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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.

The IPPRS sends emails at regular intervals to alert the following users within the IPPRS, of actions to be undertaken / completed.

  • Portfolio IPP Manager (PIM)
  • Agency IPP Managers (AIM)
  • Agency Contract Managers (ACM)
  • Contractor Contact (contractor)

The table below details the list of email notifications, stage, email description and the security role the email notification is sent to:

MMR Stage Description of Email Primary Email Contact
Activate MMR Contract Notification that the user has been assigned (new or changed) as the ACM for an MMR contract. Agency Contract Manager
Activate MMR Contract Notification that the user has been assigned (new or changed) as the ACM for a Voluntary Reporting contract. Agency Contract Manager
Contact Details / Assessment Setup Reminder that 2 weeks have passed since being advised about an MMR contract requiring contractor and/or Assessment setup to be completed. Agency Contract Manager
Contact Details Notification that the ABN for an MMR contract has changed and a new contractor may need to be assigned. Agency Contract Manager
Quarterly Performance Report - ready to acknowledge QPR has been submitted and now requires acknowledgement. Agency Contract Manager
Quarterly Performance Report - last QPR submitted Notification that the last QPR for a MMR contract has been submitted and one or more QPRs are awaiting acknowledgement preventing contract from being assessed.

Reminder email sent every 2 weeks until all QPRs have been acknowledged.
Agency Contract Manager
Final Assessment Notification that the final QPR has been acknowledged and reporting cycle for the MMR contract is complete.
Reminder email sent every 2 weeks until Final Assessment phase complete.
Agency Contract Manager
Final Assessment Notification that an MMR contract will end in 14 days and will require assessment. Agency Contract Manager
Final Assessment Notification that a Voluntary Reporting contract will end in 14 days and contractor is prompted to submit a final QPR. Agency Contract Manager
Administration Notification that a new AIM has been created for the user and that they are required to provide further details, to complete the user profile setup. Agency IPP Manager
Administration Welcome email to advise new AIM user profile is now setup and complete. Agency IPP Manager
Activate MMR contract Required to assign ACM to an MMR contract OR exempt the contract if deemed to have no MMR reporting obligations. Agency IPP Manager
Activate MMR Contract Assign ACM to outstanding contract or exempt the contract if deemed to have no MMR reporting obligations. Occurs 2 weeks after AusTender upload. Agency IPP Manager
Contact Details / Assessment Setup Reminder that 4 weeks have passed since the ACM was advised that a contract requiring contractor and/or Assessment setup is required to be completed.
Email sent with High Importance Flag
Reminder is sent every 2 weeks until actioned. 
Agency IPP Manager
Change MMR Exemption process Notification that a contract has changed to MMR Exempt. Agency IPP Manager
Change MMR Exemption process Notification that a contract that was previously MMR Exempt has been changed to non-Exempt. Agency IPP Manager
Change Contract Type process Notification that a contract type of Standard MMR, Non-Standard MMR or Voluntary Reporting has been cancelled. Agency IPP Manager
Change Contract Type process Notification that a contract type has been changed to a non-standard MMR. Agency IPP Manager
Change Contract Type process Notification that a contract type has been changed to Voluntary reporting and is not subject to MMR. Agency IPP Manager
Final Assessment Contractor Acknowledgement of the Final Assessment has occurred and final Agency Sign-off required. Agency IPP Manager
Final Assessment Contractor Acknowledgement stage for an MMR contract completed 2 weeks prior and Agency Sign-off has not occurred. Agency IPP Manager
Administration Welcome email to provide a link and login to the IPP Contractor Portal. Contractor
Contact Details Notification that the user has been assigned (new or changed) as the contractor for an MMR contract. Contractor
Contact Details Notification that the contractor's primary email address has been changed. Contractor
Contact Details Notification that the user has been assigned (new or changed) as the contractor for an MMR contract. Contractor
Contact Details Notification that the user has been assigned (new or changed) as the contractor for a Voluntary Reporting contract. Contractor
Change MMR Exemption process Notification that a contract has changed to MMR Exempt. Contractor
Change MMR Exemption process Notification that a contract that was previously MMR Exempt has been changed to non-Exempt. Contractor
Assessment Setup MMR contract is at QPR stage and the Assessment method, supply chain or workforce targets are changed. Contractor
Quarterly Performance QPR is due within 7 days. Contractor
Quarterly Performance QPR is now due. Contractor
Quarterly Performance QPR is now overdue. Contractor
Quarterly Performance - submit Contractor required to submit QPR, as they were nominated (by the ACM) in the Forward To field (Prepare stage). Contractor
Quarterly Performance - review / submit Contractor to review / submit QPR, as they were nominated (by another contractor) in the Forwarded To field (QPR Submission). Contractor
Quarterly Performance Notification that QPR has been acknowledged by ACM. Contractor
Contractor Acknowledgement Reminder Final Assessment for an MMR contract was completed 2 weeks prior and Contractor Acknowledgement has not been completed. Contractor
Contractor Acknowledgement Final Assessment of MMR contract is complete and requires acknowledgement. Contractor
Quarterly Performance Notification that MMR contract has ended and final QPR is required to be completed and submitted. Contractor
Quarterly Performance Notification that a Voluntary Reporting contract has ended and final QPR is required to be completed and submitted. Contractor
  An MMR contract type of Standard MMR or Non-Standard MMR has been cancelled, however ACM has determined that it still requires assessment. Contractor
  A contract type of Standard MMR, Non-Standard MMR or Voluntary Reporting has been cancelled, and the ACM has determined that it does not require assessment. QPR not required. Contractor
Administration A contract type of ‘Standard MMR’ or ‘IPP’ was created without an agency, during the weekly AusTender upload process. The agency for the contract was not determined. IPP Business Administrator
Quarterly Performance - Acknowledge Notification that two or more previously submitted QPRs have not been acknowledged by the ACM. Portfolio IPP ManagerPortfolio IPP Manager
Administration Notification that a new PIM has been created for the user and that they are required to provide further details, to complete the user profile setup. Portfolio IPP Manager
Administration Welcome email to advise new PIM user profile is now setup and complete. Portfolio IPP Manager
Activate MMR Contract Assign ACM to outstanding contract or exempt the contract if deemed to have no MMR reporting obligations. Occurs 4 weeks after AusTender upload. Portfolio IPP Manager
Change Contract Type process Notification that a contract type has been changed to a non-standard MMR. Portfolio IPP Manager
Change Contract Type process Notification that a contract type changes to Voluntary reporting and is not subject to MMR. Portfolio IPP Manager
Cancel Contract process Notification that a contract type of Standard MMR, Non-Standard MMR or Voluntary Reporting has been cancelled. Portfolio IPP Manager

 The above emails may also be sent as a cc (carbon copy) to other roles within the IPPRS. 


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