The IPPRS sends emails at regular intervals to alert the following users within the IPPRS, of actions to be undertaken / completed.
- Portfolio IPP Manager (PIM)
- Agency IPP Managers (AIM)
- Agency Contract Managers (ACM)
- Contractor Contact (contractor)
The table below details the list of email notifications, stage, email description and the security role the email notification is sent to:
MMR Stage | Description of Email | Primary Email Contact |
Activate MMR Contract | Notification that the user has been assigned (new or changed) as the ACM for an MMR contract. | Agency Contract Manager |
Activate MMR Contract | Notification that the user has been assigned (new or changed) as the ACM for a Voluntary Reporting contract. | Agency Contract Manager |
Contact Details / Assessment Setup | Reminder that 2 weeks have passed since being advised about an MMR contract requiring contractor and/or Assessment setup to be completed. | Agency Contract Manager |
Contact Details | Notification that the ABN for an MMR contract has changed and a new contractor may need to be assigned. | Agency Contract Manager |
Quarterly Performance Report - ready to acknowledge | QPR has been submitted and now requires acknowledgement. | Agency Contract Manager |
Quarterly Performance Report - last QPR submitted | Notification that the last QPR for a MMR contract has been submitted and one or more QPRs are awaiting acknowledgement preventing contract from being assessed. Reminder email sent every 2 weeks until all QPRs have been acknowledged. |
Agency Contract Manager |
Final Assessment | Notification that the final QPR has been acknowledged and reporting cycle for the MMR contract is complete. Reminder email sent every 2 weeks until Final Assessment phase complete. |
Agency Contract Manager |
Final Assessment | Notification that an MMR contract will end in 14 days and will require assessment. | Agency Contract Manager |
Final Assessment | Notification that a Voluntary Reporting contract will end in 14 days and contractor is prompted to submit a final QPR. | Agency Contract Manager |
Administration | Notification that a new AIM has been created for the user and that they are required to provide further details, to complete the user profile setup. | Agency IPP Manager |
Administration | Welcome email to advise new AIM user profile is now setup and complete. | Agency IPP Manager |
Activate MMR contract | Required to assign ACM to an MMR contract OR exempt the contract if deemed to have no MMR reporting obligations. | Agency IPP Manager |
Activate MMR Contract | Assign ACM to outstanding contract or exempt the contract if deemed to have no MMR reporting obligations. Occurs 2 weeks after AusTender upload. | Agency IPP Manager |
Contact Details / Assessment Setup | Reminder that 4 weeks have passed since the ACM was advised that a contract requiring contractor and/or Assessment setup is required to be completed. Email sent with High Importance Flag Reminder is sent every 2 weeks until actioned. |
Agency IPP Manager |
Change MMR Exemption process | Notification that a contract has changed to MMR Exempt. | Agency IPP Manager |
Change MMR Exemption process | Notification that a contract that was previously MMR Exempt has been changed to non-Exempt. | Agency IPP Manager |
Change Contract Type process | Notification that a contract type of Standard MMR, Non-Standard MMR or Voluntary Reporting has been cancelled. | Agency IPP Manager |
Change Contract Type process | Notification that a contract type has been changed to a non-standard MMR. | Agency IPP Manager |
Change Contract Type process | Notification that a contract type has been changed to Voluntary reporting and is not subject to MMR. | Agency IPP Manager |
Final Assessment | Contractor Acknowledgement of the Final Assessment has occurred and final Agency Sign-off required. | Agency IPP Manager |
Final Assessment | Contractor Acknowledgement stage for an MMR contract completed 2 weeks prior and Agency Sign-off has not occurred. | Agency IPP Manager |
Administration | Welcome email to provide a link and login to the IPP Contractor Portal. | Contractor |
Contact Details | Notification that the user has been assigned (new or changed) as the contractor for an MMR contract. | Contractor |
Contact Details | Notification that the contractor's primary email address has been changed. | Contractor |
Contact Details | Notification that the user has been assigned (new or changed) as the contractor for an MMR contract. | Contractor |
Contact Details | Notification that the user has been assigned (new or changed) as the contractor for a Voluntary Reporting contract. | Contractor |
Change MMR Exemption process | Notification that a contract has changed to MMR Exempt. | Contractor |
Change MMR Exemption process | Notification that a contract that was previously MMR Exempt has been changed to non-Exempt. | Contractor |
Assessment Setup | MMR contract is at QPR stage and the Assessment method, supply chain or workforce targets are changed. | Contractor |
Quarterly Performance | QPR is due within 7 days. | Contractor |
Quarterly Performance | QPR is now due. | Contractor |
Quarterly Performance | QPR is now overdue. | Contractor |
Quarterly Performance - submit | Contractor required to submit QPR, as they were nominated (by the ACM) in the Forward To field (Prepare stage). | Contractor |
Quarterly Performance - review / submit | Contractor to review / submit QPR, as they were nominated (by another contractor) in the Forwarded To field (QPR Submission). | Contractor |
Quarterly Performance | Notification that QPR has been acknowledged by ACM. | Contractor |
Contractor Acknowledgement | Reminder Final Assessment for an MMR contract was completed 2 weeks prior and Contractor Acknowledgement has not been completed. | Contractor |
Contractor Acknowledgement | Final Assessment of MMR contract is complete and requires acknowledgement. | Contractor |
Quarterly Performance | Notification that MMR contract has ended and final QPR is required to be completed and submitted. | Contractor |
Quarterly Performance | Notification that a Voluntary Reporting contract has ended and final QPR is required to be completed and submitted. | Contractor |
An MMR contract type of Standard MMR or Non-Standard MMR has been cancelled, however ACM has determined that it still requires assessment. | Contractor | |
A contract type of Standard MMR, Non-Standard MMR or Voluntary Reporting has been cancelled, and the ACM has determined that it does not require assessment. QPR not required. | Contractor | |
Administration | A contract type of ‘Standard MMR’ or ‘IPP’ was created without an agency, during the weekly AusTender upload process. The agency for the contract was not determined. | IPP Business Administrator |
Quarterly Performance - Acknowledge | Notification that two or more previously submitted QPRs have not been acknowledged by the ACM. | Portfolio IPP ManagerPortfolio IPP Manager |
Administration | Notification that a new PIM has been created for the user and that they are required to provide further details, to complete the user profile setup. | Portfolio IPP Manager |
Administration | Welcome email to advise new PIM user profile is now setup and complete. | Portfolio IPP Manager |
Activate MMR Contract | Assign ACM to outstanding contract or exempt the contract if deemed to have no MMR reporting obligations. Occurs 4 weeks after AusTender upload. | Portfolio IPP Manager |
Change Contract Type process | Notification that a contract type has been changed to a non-standard MMR. | Portfolio IPP Manager |
Change Contract Type process | Notification that a contract type changes to Voluntary reporting and is not subject to MMR. | Portfolio IPP Manager |
Cancel Contract process | Notification that a contract type of Standard MMR, Non-Standard MMR or Voluntary Reporting has been cancelled. | Portfolio IPP Manager |
The above emails may also be sent as a cc (carbon copy) to other roles within the IPPRS.