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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.

Note: Security roles can only be selected for the same level (or below) as the current logged in user i.e. an Agency IPP Manager cannot assign Portfolio IPP Manager roles if the current logged in user is an Agency IPP Manager.

Create a new user within a Contract

New ACM's need to be created if this is the first contract that they have managed in the IPPRS. To create an ACM and assign them to a contract:

  1.  Select a value: click from the ACM field.

Title: Tip icon - Description: Orange tip icon to provide the user with tips and hints to assist them Only ACM(s) associated with the agency are displayed.

  1. + New: click.

Title: Result icon - Description: Result icon to show the user the result of a step performed Agency Contact window displays.

  1. Agency Contact Details: enter First Name, Last Name, Email Address for the new ACM.

Title: Tip icon - Description: Orange tip icon to provide the user with tips and hints to assist them Only the IPP Business Data Administrator (IBDA) can update the OK to create 0365 User field. Agency User is populated by the IBDA once the IPPRS licence has been acquired.

  1. Security Roles: select the Contract Manager role to assign to the new ACM.
 Title: Tip icon - Description: Orange tip icon to provide the user with tips and hints to assist them Security roles can only be selected for the same level (or below) as the currently logged in user i.e. Agency IPP Manager cannot assign Portfolio IPP Manager (PIM) if the currently logged in user is an Agency IPP Manager.

Title: Tip icon - Description: Orange tip icon to provide the user with tips and hints to assist them Agency and Portfolio fields are system generated when saved, no entry required. For further information on security roles please refer to Administration.

  1. Save: click to save and close the Agency Contact record.

Title: Result icon - Description: Result icon to show the user the result of a step performed The new ACM is added to the agency contacts module and assigned to the contract.

A new ACM logon is created and the ACM receives a welcome email to inform them when their logon is available.

Create a new user within an Agency record

You can also create a new user within an Agency record, this is useful if your Agency does not have any contracts assigned.

  1. IPP: click to open the menu.
  2. Agencies: click.

  1. Agency: Located your agency within the list and click the Agency Name to open the record.

  1. Agency Contacts: Below the Agency Contacts heading click the + sign.

  1. Agency Contact Details: enter First Name, Last Name, Email Address for the new ACM.
  2. Security Roles: select the Contract Manager role to assign to the new ACM.
  3. Save: click to save the new Agency Contact record.

: You have now successfully created a new user.

For further details on assigning and creating Agency Contacts please refer to Stage 1 - Activate MMR Contract.


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