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Organisations / Contractor Contacts

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Organisations are the entities that are contracted to deliver the goods and services procured by the government portfolio agency, either directly or sub-contracted through the supply chain.

The Indigenous Procurement Policy Reporting Solution (IPPRS) records two types of organisations:

  1. Indigenous businesses uploaded from Supply Nation and the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC). The Australian Business Number (ABN) and the Indigenous Corporation Number (ICN) for these organisations are used to match and verify that a contract or sub-contract has been made with a known Indigenous business.
  2. Organisations that have been awarded MMR contracts. These organisations are created automatically by the AusTender upload if a contract fits the standard MMR criteria, matching the name, address and ABN from AusTender.

Contracts are automatically linked to their organisation as part of the AusTender load process. Organisations (also referred to as Contractors) can have more than one MMR contract awarded to them.

Contractor Contacts

A contractor contact (contractor) is a person within the organisation responsible for submitting Quarterly Performance Reports (QPR)s for a particular contract, or for the organisation as a whole. Organisations that have won MMR contracts must have at least one contractor contact aqssigned, however may have up to three assigned.

As part of the MMR reporting and assessment process, the IPPRS requires the Agency Contract Manager (ACM) to create and assign up to three contractors for each MMR contract. Contractors:

  • are identified by first name, last name and unique email address
  • may be assigned to a new MMR contract or more than one MMR contract, if required
  • do not have access to the IPPRS, they access their contract and QPR records through the Contractor Portal.
  • can only view details of contracts awarded to their organisation.

The IPPRS automatically creates a login to the Contractor Portal for each contractor, to enable entry of the QPRs. The user name for the Contractor Portal is the contractor's email address. The IPPRS emails the contractor whenever any action on the contract is required, such as entry of a QPR or acknowledgement of a contract’s assessment.

 emails are also sent to contractors to advise when reporting periods are due.

For details on assigning and creating contractor's please refer to Stage 2 - Contact Details.

 Please refer to security roles for further details on the available security roles within the IPPRS.


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