Contract Action dialogs are used to capture changes to critical contract data such as contract type or contract exemption. Contract value and contract end date can also be changed when changes to this information is not published in the AusTender extract in a timely manner.
A dialog is an interactive process that collects and validates proposed updates to contract data in a step-by-step process. The Contract Actions dialogs also include help text and tips to assist users to complete the dialog.
The Contract Actions dialogs can only be run for contracts that are standard MMR, non-standard MMR or Voluntary Reporting contracts, with the exception of the Change Contract Type dialog.
Contract Actions Dialogs
The following contract action dialogs can be run from an open contract.
Change MMR Exemption 
Security Role: Agency IPP Manager (AIM) for the awarding agency or an Agency Contract Manager (ACM) assigned to the contract.
The AusTender load process automatically flags certain contracts as standard MMR contracts based on their value, industry sector, awarding agency and start date. In some cases, the load process flags contracts in error or alternatively, the MMRs do not apply to the contract. In these cases, the contract should be exempted from the MMR reporting and assessment process. A contract can be exempted at any time up until the contract reaches the Final Assessment phase and should generally be exempted as soon as it enters the IPPRS. Exempted contracts are reported in the MMR Statistical Summary Report.
The Change MMR Exemption dialog changes the MMR-Exempt status (displayed in Stage 1. Activate MMR Contract of the process flow), depending on the exemption status.
When exempting or removing an exemption from a contract, a justification for the exemption must be provided. In some cases, an additional text reason is also required.
Email is sent to inform the Agency IPP Manager (AIM).
If the contract has commenced the QPR cycle (at least one QPR exists), a message displays to warn the user before proceeding with the exemption process.
The table below details the pre-condition (of the exemption) and status change that occurs when the Change MMR Exemption dialog is run.
Pre-condition |
Current |
New MMR-Exempt Status |
MMR Exempt = Yes | Yes | No |
MMR Exempt = No | No | Yes |
Change Contract Type 
Security Role: AIM or Portfolio IPP Manager (PIM) for contract’s portfolio.
Change Contract type allows users to change to one of the contract types, based on the criteria of the contract form. A standard MMR contract must be exempted prior to changing the contract type.
The contract type selection determines the reporting process to be applied to the contract.
In some cases it may be required to change the contract type. For example an agency may negotiate a voluntary reporting or non-standard MMR arrangement with the Contractor.
If the contract matches the standard MMR criteria, a contract type of Standard MMR type is provided, however a contract cannot be changed to a standard MMR if it does not match the Standard MMR criteria.
Only contract types that apply to the contract criteria are available for selection. Existing QPRs are retained if the modified contract had any existing QPRs, when the contract type was changed.
The table below details the pre-condition (of the contract type) and status change that occurs when the Change Contract Type dialog is run.
Contract pre-condition |
Current |
New Contract Type |
MMR Exempt = Yes | Standard MMR | Non-Standard MMR |
MMR Exempt = Yes | Standard MMR | Voluntary Reporting |
MMR Exempt = Yes and Indigenous Business Indicator (Contractor Organisation) = Yes |
Standard MMR | IBC |
Contract meets the MMR filter criteria determined by:
Non-standard MMR |
Standard MMR |
Indigenous Business Indicator (Contractor Organisation) = Yes | as above | IBC |
None | as above | Non-Standard MMR |
None | as above | Voluntary Reporting |
Change Contract End Date 
Security Role: AIM or PIM, for contract’s portfolio
Changes a contract's end date and modifies the final QPR period, if required.
Changes to a contract's end date are published on AusTender only if there has also been a change to the contract value. If there is no change in contract value, the end date can be changed through the IPPRS. If the change of end date affects the final QPR, the end date of the final report is adjusted to match the contract end date.
The contract end date cannot be changed if the contract has already finished.
The contract end date is changed.
If the change occurs during the final reporting period for the contract, the end date of the last quarterly performance report (QPR) is adjusted to the new end date.
Change Contract Value 
Security Role: AIM or PIM for contract’s portfolio
Changes to the value of a contract are published on AusTender and are applied to the contract in the IPPRS. However, if this does not occur in a timely manner, and the contract is reaching the end of the QPR cycle, the change in value can be made in the IPPRS.
If the contract has commenced its QPR cycle, the new contract value is applied to the current QPR. If the contract is using contract-based assessment, the supply chain target value and the supply chain performance to date are recalculated.
The contract value cannot be changed once the final QPR has been acknowledged and the QPR cycle is complete.
The contract value is changed.
The new value is applied to the current QPR. If the assessment method is contract-based, the supply chain target value and supply chain performance to date is recalculated.
Cancel MMR Contract
Contracts with MMR obligations may be cancelled any time up until the contract end date. When a contact is cancelled, the AIM should cancel the contract in the IPPRS to cease the reporting and assessment process. Depending on when the cancellation occurs, the agency may elect to cease reporting, however still assess the Contractor’s performance against their targets.
A cancelled contract:
- ends the MMR reporting requirements for the contract
- must have a reason provided for the cancellation
- may still be assessed for final MMR compliance, if required
- is flagged as "cancelled"
Contractors are sent an email to advise them of the cancellation, regardless of the assessment option selected.
The IPP Business Data Administrator (IBDA) can reactivate a cancelled contract.
if the entered responses are missing or incorrect, a validation error is displayed. If this occurs, click previous to return to the Cancel MMR reason window.
If the cancelled contract is in the process of quarterly reporting and the contract is required to be assessed, the:
- end date of the current QPR is set to the cancellation date
- due date of the current QPR is set to cancellation date + the value of the days to submit QPR
- contractor receives an email advising the contract was cancelled and to complete their final QPR
If the cancelled contract is before the quarterly reporting stage OR the contract is not required to be assessed, the:
- contract progresses to the final stage of the process flow
- contractor receives an email advising that the contract was cancelled and does not require assessment
Cancelled contracts are displayed in the Cancelled MMR Contracts System Views and existing QPRs are retained for the contract.
Reactivate MMR Contract 
Reactivates a cancelled MMR contract if created in error. Reactivation can only occur for cancelled contracts and the reporting and assessment process is restarted.
Contract is reactivated and is displayed in the MMR Contract System Views. Cancellation date is removed.
When any of the above dialogs are used to change a contract, a record of the changed values is recorded in the IPP Variations (collapsible section) of a contract record.
Start Contract Action
The Contract Actions menu (located on the command bar of a contract form) contains a selection of dialogs used to change key contract data.
A dialog can be:
- cancelled any time during the step-by-step process by clicking on the Cancel button.
- reverted back to a step (to view or modify previous selections) by clicking on the Previous button.
Each dialog provides step-by-step instructions and comprehensive tips (in the dialog window) to complete any of the dialog processes. To start any of the Contract Actions, open the required contract form:
- Contract Actions icon: select the drop down list from the command bar.
- Contract Actions: click the required contract action.
required Contract Action (Change MMR Exemption example) window displayed below.
Complete the steps provided to complete the required Contract Action.