The table below provides a list of Acronyms and Terms used within the Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP), Indigenous Procurement Policy Reporting Solution (IPPRS) and the Indigenous Procurement Policy Contractor Portal (IPPCP).
Acronym | Term | Description |
ACM | Agency Contract Manager | Agency Contract Manager |
AGOR | Australian Government Organisation Register | AGOR provides information on the function, composition, origins and other details of Australian Government bodies. |
AIM | Agency IPP Manager | Agency IPP Manager |
ATM | Approach to Market | has the same meaning as in the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. |
AusTender | has the same meaning as in the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. | |
Commonwealth | Commonwealth of Australia (also known as the Australian Government or Federal government). | |
CPR | Commonwealth Procurement Rules | The rules issued by the Minister for Finance under section 105B(1) of the Public Government, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, as amended from time to time. |
Contract based assessment | Achieve at least 4 per cent Indigenous employment and/or supplier use on average over the term of the contract | |
Contractor | Contractor Contact | Contractors responsible for entering and submitting the quarterly performance reports (QPR) for the contract within the IPP Contractor Portal. |
Department of Finance (Finance) | The Commonwealth department with responsibility for administering the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. | |
Domestic contract | A contract that results from a procurement exercise conducted in Australia, even if some or all of the goods or services that are purchased may be used or delivered overseas. | |
Domestic procurement | A procurement exercise that is conducted in Australia, even if some or all of the goods or services that are purchased may be used or delivered overseas. | |
Exemption 17 | The exemption set out at item 17 of Appendix A to the Commonwealth Procurement Rules which allows Commonwealth entities to purchase from Indigenous SMEs without complying with the rules set out in division two of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. | |
FTE | Full time equivalent employees | Full time equivalent employees. |
Indigenous business | Any business that is 50 per cent or more Indigenous owned. Supply Nation maintains a free register of Indigenous businesses at | |
Indigenous enterprise | An organisation that is 50 per cent or more Indigenous owned that is operating a business. It may take the form of a company, incorporated association or trust. For clarity, a social enterprise or registered charity may also be an Indigenous enterprise if it is operating a business. | |
IPP | Indigenous Procurement Policy | Mandatory procurement-connected policy under the legislative instrument of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules and commenced on 1 July 2015. |
IPPRS | Indigenous Procurement Policy Reporting Solution | The implementation of the Dynamics 365 solution that is used to manage the requirements of the IPP. |
Indigenous Procurement website | This website at Our Work | |
Indigenous SME | Indigenous Small or Medium Enterprise | An Indigenous enterprise that meets the definition of SME in the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. |
Contractor Portal | IPP Contractor Portal | The interface to the IPP Contractor Portal used by external contractors. |
IPPRS | IPP Reporting Solution | The interface to the IPPRS for internal government department/agency use |
MMR | Mandatory Minimum Requirements | Report on Indigenous participation in all contracts delivered in Australia that are valued at $7.5 million or more, where the majority of the goods or services are in one of the specified industry sectors. . |
MSA | Mandatory set-aside | While Indigenous businesses can bid for any contracts, from 1 July 2015 there are requirements for Departments to look first to Indigenous businesses for all contracts in remote areas regardless of value; and all other domestic contracts valued between $80,000 and $200,000. |
Organisation based assessment | Achieve 3 per cent Indigenous employment and/or supplier use across the organisation on average over the term of the contract. | |
ORIC | Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations | The Registrar is an independent statutory office holder who administers the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006. You can find more information on their website. |
Portfolio | A minister's area of responsibility as a member of Cabinet. The portfolios identified in the Australian Government Organisations Register available at For clarity, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs are treated as individual portfolios for the purposes of the policy. | |
PIM | Portfolio IPP Manager | Portfolio IPP Manager |
PMC | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) | The Commonwealth department with responsibility for administering the policy. |
Procurement | Procurement encompasses the whole process of acquiring goods and services. It begins when a need has been identified and a decision has been made on the procurement requirement. Procurement continues through the processes of risk assessment, seeking and evaluating alternative solutions, the awarding of a contract, the delivery of and payment for the goods and services and, where relevant, the ongoing management of the contract and consideration of disposal of goods. | |
Procurement threshold | has the same meaning as in the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. | |
Procuring officer | A Commonwealth officer that has responsibility for purchasing a good or service on behalf of a Commonwealth entity. | |
QPR | Quarterly Performance Report | Record details of the workforce profile and Indigenous supply chain for a contract or an organisation. These details are then used to calculate performance to date figures per quarter, and to assess the contractor’s overall MMR compliancy at the end of the contract. Contractors are required to prepare, submit and acknowledge QPRs for MMR contracts. |
Remote Area | Areas identified in the map on the Indigenous Procurement Website, as updated from time to time. | |
Remote Contract | A contract where the majority (by value) of the goods or services will be delivered in a Remote Area. | |
Remote Procurement | A procurement exercise for a Remote Contract. | |
SME | Small and Medium Sized Enterprise | has the same meaning as in the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. |
SON | Standing Offer Notice | A Standing Offer Notice is reported on AusTender when a standing offer arrangement is established. This arrangement is a continuing offer to a supplier or suppliers to provide specified goods or services over a nominated period, and includes Panels. |
Supply Nation | The business-to-business membership body dedicated to growing diversity in supply chains. More information is available at | |
UNSPSC | United Nations Standard Products and Services Code | AusTender uses a subset of the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) to categorise Commonwealth Government procurements. |
Please also refer to the Definitions section within the Commonwealth Indigenous Procurement Policy for further information.