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A Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) is used to record the Indigenous workforce deployed on the contract during the reporting period and any subcontracts/purchases made with Indigenous businesses as part of the contract’s supply chain.

Generally, QPRs are prepared by contractors. However they can also be prepared by Agency contract managers and Agency IPP managers via the Indigenous Procurement Policy Reporting Solution (IPPRS).

To prepare a QPR, navigate to and open the required MMR contract record. If the report is due or overdue, a link to the contract will be in your To Do List.  If you want to commence entering data before the report is due, you will find a link to the contract in the MMR Contracts list. Click on the link to open the contract form.

Screenshot showing QPR tab and screen

  1. Reporting tab: click.
  2. : click the drop down list for the required QPR record.
  3. Open: click.

Success: the Quarterly Performance Report is displayed.
Note: the contract performance to date figures for workforce and supply chain for the contract are displayed at the top. These figures are recalculated when a QPR is submitted.
Tip: Click on the help icons Help next to the major section headings of the QPR form to display the hover help for that section.

Supply Chain Data

Navigate to the Supply Chain section to enter subcontractor Supply Chain records:

Screenshot showing Supply Chain Data screen

Note: Existing Supply Chain subcontracts from the previous QPR are copied to this QPR when it is created. You can edit the subcontract amount, if it changed in this period.

  1. Create: click.
    Success: the Sub-Contractor Supply Chain window displays.

Screenshot showing Sub-Contractor Supply Chain screen

  1. ABN: enter the 11 digit ABN, if known. If the ABN is recognised as an indigenous business, the organisation name will be automatically populated.
  2. Organisation *: enter the name of the subcontractor organisation.
  3. Direct Contract *: select:
    1. Yes: if the sub-contract is made directly with your company.
    2. No: if the sub-contract is made with another of your subcontractors.
  4. Subcontracted to:  if you entered No for Direct Contract?, please provide the name of the second-tier subcontractor.
  5. Start Date *: enter or select (using the date picker) the start date of the sub-contract or date of purchase.
    Warning: Must be greater than or equal to the MMR contract start date.
    Note - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user: A purchase or subcontract made with an Indigenous business can be added to the QPR even if it occurred outside the QPR period. It must have occurred during the overall contract period.
  6. End Date *: enter or select (using the date picker) the end date of the sub-contract.
    Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user: Must be less than or equal to the MMR contract end date.
  7. Total Workforce*enter the total number of full time employees (including Indigenous FTEs) working on this sub-contract. 2 decimal places allowed.
  8. Indigenous Workforce*enter the total number of Indigenous FTEs working on this sub-contract. 2 decimal places allowed.
  9. Value *: enter the $ (dollar) value of the sub-contract.
    Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user: The value cannot exceed the MMR Contract value.
  10. Description: enter a short description to provide further details about the sub-contract or subcontractor.
  11. Save: click Save to create the record OR click X to cancel the creation and close the window. 
    Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user: Repeat above steps to add additional Supply Chain records, as necessary.
    Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user: If you have to enter a large number of Supply Chain records for the QPR, consider using the Bulk Upload function, described in the next section.

Workforce Data

Navigate to the Workforce Data section to enter subcontractor Workforce records: 

Screenshot showing Workforce Data dialog box

Note: Subcontracts from the previous QPR are copied to this QPR when it is created, if the subcontract end date falls into or exceeds the QPR reporting period.

  1. Create: click
    : the Sub-Contractor Workforce window displays.

Screenshot showing Sub-Contractor Workforce dialog

  1. ABN: enter the 11 digit ABN, if known. If the ABN is recognised as an indigenous business, the organisation name will be automatically populated.
  2. Organisation *: enter the name of the subcontractor's organisation.
  3. Direct Contract *: select:
    1. Yes: if the sub-contract is made directly with your company.
    2. No: if the sub-contract is made with another of your subcontractors.
  4. Subcontracted to: if you entered No for Direct Contract?, please provide the name of the second-tier subcontractor.
  5. Start Date*: enter or select (using the date picker) the start date of the sub-contract.
    Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user: Must be greater than or equal to the MMR contract start date.
  6. End Date*: enter or select (using the date picker) the end date of the sub-contract.
    Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user: Must be less than or equal to the MMR contract end date.
  7. Total Workforce*: enter the total number of full time employees (including Indigenous FTEs) working on this sub-contract. 2 decimal places allowed.
  8. Indigenous Workforce*:  enter the total number of Indigenous FTEs working on this sub-contract. 2 decimal places allowed.
  9. Description: enter a short description to provide further details about the sub-contract or subcontractor.
  10. Save: click OR click X to cancel the creation and close the window.
    Tip: Repeat above steps to add more Workforce records, as necessary.
    Tip: If you have to enter a large number of subcontractor workforce records for the QPR, consider using the Bulk Upload function, described in the next section.

Your workforce details for this quarter (FTE):

In addition to workforce figures for subcontractors, you need to provide the workforce figures deployed on the contract by your organisation for the quarter (expressed as FTEs):

Screenshot showing Your workforce details for this quarter (FTE) dialog box

  1. Your Total (FTE) Workforce this quarter: enter the number of full time employees deployed on the contract this quarter by your organisation, including Indigenous employees.
  2. Your Indigenous (FTE) Workforce this quarter: enter the number of full time Indigenous employees deployed on the contract this quarter by your organisation.
  3. Total Workforce (FTE): the sum of your organisation’s FTEs and the FTE firgures for all subcontractor workforce entries. This is calculated by the system.
  4. Total Indigenous Workforce (FTE) the sum of your organisation’s indigenous FTEs and the indigenous FTEs figures for all subcontractor workforce entries. This is calculated by the system.

Performance to Date Summary

Navigate to the Performance to Data Summary to review your progressive performance result. These figures are calculated by the system each time a Workforce or Supply Chain record is added or modified, or the organisation’s workforce figures are modified.

  1. Contractor’s Comments: provide any further information about the performance for the quarter or the Indigenous Participation Plan, as required.
    Success: The QPR has now been prepared. Please move on to the QPR Complete/Forward/Submit stage.


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