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Quarterly Performance Reports (QPRs) record details of the workforce profile and Indigenous supply chain (subcontracts made with Indigenous business) for a contract or an organisation. These details are used to calculate performance:

  • per quarter for each reporting period
  • to-date figures over the life of the contract.

Supply chain performance-to-date is the total of your indigenous supply chain expressed as a percentage of the total contract value.

Workforce performance-to-date is a weighted average of indigenous staff deployed on the contract, by either your organisation or a subcontracted organisation.

The final performance-to-date figures for a contract are compared against the targets entered during the  ssessment Setup stage, to determine the contractor’s compliance to their Mandatory Minimum Requirements (MMR) obligations at the end of the contract.

A MMR contract has one or more QPRs during its lifespan  Contractors are required to prepare and submit QPRs every three months. Agency Contract Managers (ACMs) can assist with the preparation of a QPR but cannot submit it. ACMs should acknowledge each QPR after it has been submitted. Non-acknowledgement of one or more QPRs does not prevent the reporting from progressing, but the reports must be acknowledged before the assessment of compliance can be made.

Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user The IPPRS manages the coordination of the QPR submission process between the Agency and your organisation via email notifications and the Contract To Do lists.

Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user The first QPR for a contract can be slightly longer or shorter than three months if required, so you can align the end dates with any other reporting periods you may have, such as financial year quarters.

Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user The last QPR for a contract may also vary in length, to align with the contract end date.

QPR Status

The lifecycle of a QPR progresses through the following statuses:




newly created (automatically) and no data entry has occurred


has been submitted by the Contractor


has been acknowledged by the Agency

The length of a contract determines how many QPRs are required. For example, if a contract runs for 12 months, the contractor must submit 4 QPRs. A contract with a term of 6 months will have 2 QPRs. Contracts less than 18 weeks in duration may require one or two QPR(s), at the discretion of the agency,

QPR Notifications

Contractor's responsible for submitting QPRs are notified via email when:

  • a QPR is due in 7 days
  • a QPR is due now
  • a QPR is overdue, and every two weeks after that until the QPR is submitted
  • An Agency staff member has forwarded a QPR to the Contractor for review
  • An Agency staff member has acknowledged receipt of a QPR

Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user ACMs are included as a cc in the above emails

Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user On submission of a QPR, the next QPR will be automatically created.

Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user Contractors can amend a submitted QPR if they become aware of any errors or omissions.

Title: Note icon - Description: Green note icon to explain further information to the user After acknowledgment of a QPR by an Agency contract manager, the QPR becomes read-only and cannot be modified.

Warning Portfolio IPP Managers will be notified when two or more previous QPRs for a contract have not been acknowledged. Agency IPP Managers, ACMs and NIAA are cc'ed on this email.

Contract based Assessment

Total workforce and Indigenous workforce numbers are requested for the lead contractor and any sub-contractors that have staff deployed on the contract. Workforce numbers should reflect average levels of full time employees (FTEs) over the 3 month period. FTEs may be decimal numbers, e.g. 3 half time employees = 1.5 FTEs.

Supply chain information consists of sub-contracts and purchases made with Indigenous businesses. The total value of all sub-contracts and purchases with or from Indigenous businesses over the life of the contract is used to calculate the percentage of the contract value that was directed to Indigenous business. Each supply chain entry not only contributes to the lead contractor’s supply chain total, it also counts towards the agency’s target for purchases and contracts with Indigenous business.

For each QPR, the IPPRS calculates the following:

  • workforce performance per quarter: (total Indigenous FTEs this quarter ÷ by the total FTEs this quarter) x 100
  • workforce performance to date: a weighted average calculated as (total Indigenous FTEs for all quarters ÷ total FTEs for all quarters) x 100
  • supply chain performance to date: (total value of IB supply chain ÷ contract value x 100)

As part of the Agency's assessment of the contract, the performance to-date figures for the last QPR for the contract are compared against the assessment targets. You are required to meet both targets to be recommended as compliant.



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