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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) provide useful information that assists users to resolve common issues when using the Indigenous Procurement Policy Contractor Portal.

AdministrationI have forgotten my password. How do I reset it?

Support is available 8am-5pm (AEDT) Monday - Friday (excluding ACT and National Public Holidays).

Send an email or call the IPPRS Support team

Phone: 02 6152 3522


AdministrationHow can I login to the IPP Contractor Portal?

If you have been authorised to use the system, you will have been sent a link to the system, with your user ID and instructions on how to login. If you no longer have this advice contact the IPPRS Support desk at:

Phone: 02 6152 3522


GlossaryWhat do all of the terms and acronyms mean?Please refer to the glossary for a full list of acronyms and terms referred to throughout the portal.
HelpI am a contractor to Government and I need help with the IPP Contractor Portal. Who do I contact?Contact the Agency Contract Manager (ACM) you liaise with for all matters concerning the contract. Your ACM's details will be included in emails sent regarding the contract and can also be found below the "Contact Details" tab within the contract.
HelpHow do I access the System Help?System help can be accessed from the navigation bar by clicking "Help".
HelpHow do I find out more about the IPP?Contractors should contact their Agency Contract Managers (ACMs). Your ACM's details will be included in emails sent regarding the contract and can also be found below the "Contract Managers" tab of the contract.
HelpDoes the IPP/MMRs apply to my organisation / contracts?If your organisation has been awarded a contract that is subject to MMRs, you will be required to report each quarter on the levels of Indigenous participation in the workforce and/or the supply chain of the contract or your organisation.  You can use the IPP Contractor Portal to lodge these reports and track the performance of the contract and your organisation.
HelpWhy has the IPP implemented a reporting system?The IPP Reporting Solution gives Commonwealth agencies and external organisations the ability to more efficiently and accurately manage and report their obligations, as mandated by the IPP.
HelpWhat will the data be used for? To more accurately and effectively monitor and report Contractor and Agency compliance with the IPP.
HelpIs the system available all the time?The system is available 24/7. Times of unavailability, such as system maintenance, will be communicated to users via the IPP News section of the Contractor Portal and via email.
HelpHow do I access the system?An invitation to use the Contractor Portal is emailed to all new users of the system. This will include a link to the system and information on redeeming the inviation and first-time login. Please contact if you need assistance.
HelpHow do I request access for other team members?

Please send an email or call the IPPRS Support team for access assistance.

Phone: 02 6152 3522


HelpWhat if I disagree with the “outcome”/”decision” recorded during the final assessment phase of the contract reporting cycle.In the first instance contact your Agency Contract Manager (ACM). Your ACM's details will be included in emails sent regarding the contract and can also be found below the "Contact Details" tab within the contract.
HelpHow will I know if I have to use the IPP Contractor Portal?If your organisation has any active MMR contracts with Commonwealth agencies, and you manage them within your organisation, then you will be required to use the IPP Contractor Portal to enter MMR data. Your login will be created by the Agency Contract Manager(s) and you will be advised via email of your login credentials to the Contractor Portal to enable you to manage the MMR contracts.
HelpHow do I know when my quarterly performance reports are due?The system will provide email notifications throughout the lifecycle of the MMR contract. These include notifying you when a QPR is almost due, a QPR is now due and a reminder if it becomes overdue.
HelpWhat happens if I don’t meet my reporting deadline?If QPR reports become overdue, email notifications are sent to the Agency IPP Manager and Portfolio Manager advising that the QPR report has not been completed and is overdue.
HelpWhat happens if I don’t meet my agreed MMR targets?If you fail to meet your agreed MMR targets, your organisation will be rated as non-compliant for this contract during the agency assessment phase. This information will be available to Commonwealth officers performing tender evaluations and may influence your future selection for contracts awarded by the Commonwealth.  
HelpHow do I know who my Agency Contract Manager is? The name and email addresses of the Agency Contract Manager(s) for a contract are displayed in the Contacts tab of the Contract. 
HelpHow is compliance calculated?

Compliance is calculated by comparing the final performance to date figures for a contract with the stated workforce and supply chain targets nominated during the contract negotiation phase and entered into the IPPRS when the contract reporting cycle commences. 


The IPPRS will recommend that the contractor is assessed as compliant only if both the workforce and supply chain targets are met.  If a contract fails to meet one target but exceeds the other target such that the sum of the two performance to date figures equals or exceeds the minimum acceptable target, the Agency Contract Manager can exercise discretion and rate the contractor as compliant.


For more information about how performance to date is calculated, please see the online help here.

HelpWhat are the Mandatory Minimum Requirements (MMR)?

The mandatory minimum requirements for Indigenous participation are:

  • Contract-based requirement: achieve at least 4 per cent Indigenous employment and/or supplier use on average over the term of the contract; OR
  • Organisation-based requirement: achieve 3 per cent Indigenous employment and/or supplier use across the organisation on average over the term of the contract. Note: organisation-based functionality will be released in early 2018 and is not yet available.
HelpWhat is the difference between Supply Chain and Workforce Data?

Supply Chain Data: Sub-Contracts and purchases with Indigenous businesses. 

Workforce Data: Sub-Contractor workforce details e.g the number of people employed by your Sub-Contractor who worked on the contract.

HelpWhat is a QPR?Refer to Quarterly Performance Report (QPR).
HelpHow do I prepare and complete a QPR?Refer to QPR help section.
HelpCan I populate my Quarterly Performance Reports monthly with my invoices and submit quarterly?Yes, you can enter invoices at any time within the active Quarterly Performance Report.
HelpI need to review a QPR but it isn't displaying in my To Do list?If a contract does not appear in your To Do list when expected, change to the MMR Contracts tab to view all contracts awarded to your organisation. You should see the contract there.  If it is still not visible, contact your Agency Contract Manager and ask them to review who is nominated to manage the contract for your organisation.
HelpWhy can't I see a contract in my To Do list?

A contract will only appear in your To Do List if you are an assigned contact on the contract, and you are required to perform an action in the system.

For example, a contract will appear in the IPPCP To Do List if you are the primary nominated contractor contact and the contract has a QPR that requires submission or a contract assessment that requires acknowledgement.



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