In cases where a large number of contract/purchase Supply Chain records must be added to the IPR, it may be more efficient to use the Bulk Upload function.
This function allows you to upload a CSV (comma-separated value) file of Supply Chain data (subcontractor ABN, start date, end date, contract/purchase value, description) in order to create multiple records for an IPR in one operation.
The CSV file must conform to the prescribed format. A template file is available for download and can be used as an example. If you are able to extract the data from your accounting systems, you must save it in a format that matches the template file format.
As part of the upload process, the records in the CSV file are validated using the same rules applied when a Supply Chain record is manually created. If all records in the CSV file are valid, a set of Supply Chain entries are created and attached to the IPR. The total indigenous supply chain and performance to date figures are updated to include the newly-created records when the Bulk Upload process completes.
The Bulk Upload section of the IPR form allows you to initiate and monitor Bulk Uploads -
- Bulk Data Upload: the section of the form used to initiate and monitor Bulk Uploads for the IPR.
- Instructions: A link to this document.
- Supply Chain Template: click to download a template file of the required format for Supply Chain uploads.
- Upload Data: click to initiate a Bulk Upload operation.
- Refresh: click to refresh the list of Bulk Upload operations and all performance to date and total fields. Useful for tracking the status of uploads in progress.
- File name: click to view more details.
- Status Reason: indicates the progress and eventual outcome of a Bulk Upload.
Supply Chain Upload File Format and Validation Rules
Clicking on the Supply Chain Template link will download a CSV file called Supply Chain Data Template.csv. The file has a single header record with the following columns -
Column | What to enter | Notes |
ABN | 11 digit ABN of the contractor. | Optional. |
Organisation Name | Name of the contractor organisation. | Mandatory. |
Direct Contact? | Yes or No. | Mandatory. Yes if the subcontract is made directly with your company, otherwise No. |
Subcontracted To | If Direct Contact? = No, enter the name of the second-tier sub-contractor. | Mandatory if Direct Contract? = No. Otherwise should be left blank. |
Start Date | The start date of the sub-contract. Must be greater than or equal to the IPR Start Date. |
Mandatory. Valid date formats are –
Note - mmm indicates the short spelling of the month, i.e. jan, feb, mar, etc. |
End Date | The end date of the contract. Must be less than or equal to the MMR contract end date. |
Mandatory. |
Value | Value of the contract. | Mandatory. Must be greater than 0. |
Description | A short description to provide further details about the contract or contractor | Optional. |
Initiating a Bulk Upload
- Click the Supply Chain Template button found at the top right of the Bulk Upload list to download the template file.
- Edit the file (Excel is the easiest editor) to add details of contracts and purchases, ensuring that the data conforms to the validation rules described above.
- Save the file – if using Excel, ensure that you maintain the file format as CSV.
: Note – if you can extract the required data from your accounting system, please ensure that the column headings in your CSV file exactly match the column headings in the template.
- Click the Upload Data button located at the top right hand side of the Bulk Upload list. The following form will be displayed -
- Upload Type *: Supply Chain Data is prefilled and cannot be changed.
- Upload CSV *: Click on Choose File and use Explorer to select the file to upload.
: You must choose a CSV file and the file must have a .csv extension. An error will be displayed if this is not the case.
- Click on Upload File to start the upload process.
: the Upload File button label will change to Adding ….
: the form will close when the file has been uploaded.
: the IPR form will be re-displayed and you will see the new Bulk Upload as the first entry in the list.
: The File Name will not be displayed until the upload process has passed the validation phase.
: Use the Refresh List button to refresh the list of Bulk Uploads. The Status and record/warning counts will be updated as the upload progresses.
Viewing the Outcome of a Bulk Upload
At any stage of the process and after completion, clicking on the File Name entry in the list will display a form with more details about the upload process –
- File Name: the name of the file chosen to upload.
- Upload Type: Supply Chain Data.
- Status: the outcome of the upload process. Possible outcomes are -
- Submitted – the file has been uploaded and is awaiting validation.
- Processing – the file is being validated and processed.
- Completed Successful – the CSV file was valid and supply chain or workforce records have been created.
- Completed With Warnings – the CSV file was valid and supply chain records have been created. However, one or more of the records created matched with an existing supply chain record for the IPR and may be a duplicate.
- Completed with Errors – one or more records in the CSV have a format or validation error.No supply chain records have been created.
- Number of CSV records: the number of records in the CSV file, excluding the header.
- Number of Records created: the number of supply chain created and attached to the IPR.
- Number of Errors: number of errors in the CSV data.
: If Number of Errors is greater than 0, no supply chain records will be created.
- Number of Warnings: number of potentially duplicate contract records created.
- Notifications: the list of errors and warnings found in the CSV file.
- Download: click on this to download the list of errors and warnings.
- Supply Chain: a list of the supply chain records created as a result of the Bulk Upload.
Viewing Errors in a Bulk Upload
If there are any errors in an uploaded CSV file, no Supply Chain records will be created. Errors are displayed in the Notifications section of the Bulk Upload form –
- Number of Errors: the total number of errors in the CSV file.
: If Number of Errors is greater than 0, no supply chain records have been created.
- Notifications: the list of errors and warnings found in the CSV file.
- Notification: the row number in the CSV with the error type and error message.
: the CSV header is not counted as a row.
: If a record has more than one error, each error will be displayed in a separate Notification.
: ABN and start/end date range checks are not done if there are missing values or date format errors. These checks are only done when all other fields are valid.
- Pager: use the arrows to scroll though the errors if there are more than four records with errors.