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Invest and deliver programs and policies to achieve positive outcomes for First Nations peoples and communities.

Measure 5

Proportion of the NIAA’s investment through IAS grants that align with Closing the Gap outcomes and Priority Reforms.


of IAS grant investments contribute to Closing the Gap outcomes and Priority Reforms.
of IAS grant investments contribute to Closing the Gap outcomes and Priority Reforms.
of IAS grant investments contribute to Closing the Gap outcomes and Priority Reforms.
of IAS grant investments contribute to Closing the Gap outcomes and Priority Reforms.



  • The NIAA is responsible for allocating Australian Government funding via IAS grants to support achievement of the Closing the Gap outcomes and Priority Reforms.

Methodology and data sources

  • Quantitative (output measure).
  • Data source is the mandatory grant activity coding processes of IAS grants in our grant management system (FUSION).
  • Calculation will assess proportion of IAS grants assessed within the reporting period that show contribution towards Closing the Gap outcomes and Priority Reforms.


Measure 6

Proportion of IAS program activities that are assessed by NIAA Agreement Managers as having core service delivery elements which meet or exceed requirements.


Program 1.1, Program 1.2, Program 1.3, Program 1.4, Program 1.5.




This measure relates directly to the purpose of the NIAA to enable the self-determination and aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through effectively delivering grants under programs 1.1 to 1.5 of the IAS. The 90% target identified reflects how activities are delivered in a complex and multifaceted environment and account for impacting external factors beyond the control of the NIAA. For example, in the case of floods, communities can be cut off and service delivery is compromised for periods of time. 

This measure is also published in the 2024–25 PBS under each of the following programs:

  • Program 1.1 – Jobs, Land and the Economy
  • Program 1.2 – Children and Schooling
  • Program 1.3 – Safety and Wellbeing
  • Program 1.4 – Culture and Capability
  • Program 1.5 – Remote Australia Strategies

Each program/target will have equal weighting towards the overall performance result.

Methodology and data sources

Quantitative assessment of core service delivery of IAS grant activities, specifically the service delivery key performance indicator, contained in service provision agreements (output measure).

The period of data used to measure our performance is the most recent 12-month period for which sufficient data is available, to avoid bias in the result. For the financial year, the data reported would be drawn from IAS performance report assessments completed by NIAA Agreement Managers for performance reports covering the period from 1 January to 31 December.

Note: Data reported is drawn from IAS performance report assessments completed by NIAA Agreement Managers, for the relevant reporting periods. A number of Program 1.1 Jobs Land and Economy IAS activities are managed in the Employment Services System. These are employment-focused activities that are generally paid per employment outcome. As such, different performance management arrangements apply to this cohort of IAS activities than those applied to most IAS activities, and therefore, they are excluded from data used to calculate achievement of this measure.

Measure 7

Portion of Community Development Program (CDP) participants that achieve a 26-week employment outcome.


4% or higherN/AN/AN/A



  • This target is directly linked to Closing the Gap Outcome 8: strong economic participation and development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. It aims to measure long-term employment outcomes achieved through the CDP.
  • CDP services are in place until 30 June 2025 and the NIAA will continue to measure the CDP long-term employment outcomes until a new remote employment service is implemented.
  • This measure is also published in the 2024-25 PBS under Program 1.1 – Jobs, Land and the Economy.

Methodology and data sources

  • Quantitative CDP data collected in the Employment Services System.
  • Based on an analysis of participants who achieved a 26-week outcome in each financial year. The result calculates the proportion of unique participants on the CDP caseload that achieved a 26-week outcome in the financial year.

Measure 8

Percentage of applications under the Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program that are processed within 90 days.


80%Year-on-year increaseYear-on-year increaseYear-on-year increase



  • This measure relates to the purpose of the NIAA to enable the self-determination and aspirations of First Nations people and communities through employment pathways.
  • This measure calculates the processing time of applications received under the RJED program, demonstrating the relative efficiency of program administration.
  • This measure is also published in the 2024-25 PBS under Program 1.1 – Jobs, Land and the Economy.

Methodology and data sources

  • Quantitative data of processing times collected from Grant Payment System (GPS).
  • Based on analysis of the applications received in the RJED grants round in the financial year. 
  • The RJED design process is currently underway and could result in the adoption of non-competitive or competitive grant rounds. For a non-competitive round, the processing time will be calculated from the date the individual application has been received. For a competitive grant round, the processing time will be calculated from the date the grant round closes.

Measure 9

Total number of jobs funded under the Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program.


930 jobs1035 jobs1035 jobsN/A



  • This measure relates directly to the purpose of the NIAA to enable the self-determination and aspirations of First Nations people and communities through employment pathways.
  • The Australian Government has committed to initially funding 3,000 jobs over 3 years as part of the RJED program. The program will provide people in remote communities with meaningful jobs and increase economic opportunities in their areas. Targets demonstrate progress towards funding a total of 3,000 jobs over the life of the project.
  • This measure is also published in the 2024-25 PBS under Program 1.1 – Jobs, Land and the Economy.

Methodology and data sources

  • Quantitative data collected through the Grant Payment System (GPS).
  • Performance against this measure and target will be calculated using data from the financial year.


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