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Build and maintain effective partnerships to support the empowerment and self-determination of First Nations peoples.

Measure 1

Proportion of Empowered Community regions that demonstrate progress in the development or implementation of Local Partnership Agreements.


100% of existing Empowered Community regions have refreshed Local Partnership Agreements in place by 30 June 2025.Progress is demonstrated on the implementation of 100% of Local Partnership Agreements.Progress is demonstrated on the implementation of 100% of Local Partnership Agreements.Progress is demonstrated on the implementation of 100% of Local Partnership Agreements.



  • This measure relates to the NIAA’s vision to hear, recognise and empower and relates directly to the purpose of the NIAA to work in genuine partnership to enable the self-determination and aspirations of First Nations communities. Empowered Communities is one of the NIAA’s formal partnerships demonstrating the strong partnership elements of Priority Reform 1: formal partnerships and shared decision-making.

Methodology and data sources

  • Quantitative assessment of the number of existing Empowered Communities during the reporting period that have an updated, signed Local Partnership Agreement in place.
  • Measurement of progress against each Local Partnership Agreement is conducted through regular IAS 6-monthly reporting and annual partnership health checks.


Measure 2

The number of effective partnerships the NIAA is a party to.


Develop a register that provides a baseline data set of partnerships.To be determined once baseline established.To be determined once baseline established.To be determined once baseline established.



  • The NIAA is party to a wide range of partnership-type arrangements across the country. These may take a variety of practical formats demonstrating that working in place requires a flexible approach that responds to the diverse need of First Nations communities. The Annual Closing the Gap Commonwealth Stocktake captures vital information on NIAA formal partnerships that meet the Closing the Gap strong partnership elements. Complementary NIAA work is required to better understand the breadth and depth of the NIAA partnerships progressed throughout the year, and develop an assessment of effectiveness and impact. Partnerships will be considered in the context of NIAA and whole-of-government partnership and engagement frameworks.

Methodology and data sources

  • Quantitative collection of baseline data to create a landscape map.
  • Qualitative assessment, using existing frameworks, of baseline data to determine partnerships for inclusion in register.



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