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Aurukun Wik Kath Min Taskforce

The purpose of the Wik Kath Min Taskforce governance mechanism in Aurukun is to includes members from all tiers of government (the National Indigenous Australians Agency, the Queensland Government of Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, and Aurukun Shire Council) to develop a local decision-making body and interface between all levels of government to meet the aspirations of Aurukun.



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partner/s: 

Aurukun Shire Council

Cape York Institute as the Pama Futures Backbone (Empowered Communities)

Government agency partner: 

NIAA and Queensland Government of Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DSDSATSIP)

Priority reform: 

Priority Reform One
Priority Reform Three
Priority Reform Four


Outcome 01
Outcome 02
Outcome 03
Outcome 04
Outcome 05
Outcome 06
Outcome 07
Outcome 08
Outcome 09
Outcome 10
Outcome 11
Outcome 12
Outcome 13
Outcome 14
Outcome 15
Outcome 16
Outcome 17

Partnership timeframes: 


Response agreed by both parties: 

Yes - Aurukun Shire Council and DSDSATSIP Nil response- Cape York Institute as the Pama Futures Backbone (Empowered Communities)

Strong partnership elements - Clause 32

A(i): A(ii): A(iii): 


B(i): B(ii): B(iv): 
MetMetNot applicable


C(i): C(ii): C(iii): C(iv): C(vi): C(v): 


Strong partnership elements - Clause 33

Clause 33: 


Achievements over the last 12 months: 

Accomplished an agreement between all levels of government to come together to establish a unified interface with the Aurukun community to progress their priorities. Initial community meetings have been held to bring together existing community governance structures and start planning for a single local decision-making body.

Partnership elements strengthened: 

New in 2023.


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