The First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN) is creating a more inclusive disability sector. Its work demonstrates Priority Reform Two in action, through strengthened representation of First Nations organisations and people living with disability.
Since 2022, the FPDN have been funded by the Commonwealth to develop and implement their National Disability Footprint (the ‘Footprint’), as a key action under the Disability Sector Strengthening Plan across key areas including education, housing and justice. FPDN have been a leading voice to ensure reforms are informed by the intersectional challenges for First Nations people living with disability.
FPDN are actively engaged in policy discussions to ‘advocate for reform, provide guidance and support and ensure that the voices of First Nations people living with disability are given priority’. They have recently provided submissions to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Getting Back on Track Bill, the Review of Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031, and the Truth and Justice Commission Bill August 2024.
In addition, FPDN have appeared at Senate Committee Hearings on NDIS reforms, showcasing the needs of First Nations people living with disability. Outcomes include new draft rules supporting First Nations NDIS Participants in Cultural activities.
FPDN have also developed a range of training programs and educational resources. These are designed to assist mainstream disability services to improve their cultural competence for work with First Nations people living with disability.
“Our training programs and resources are designed to assist organisations to build their disability-related competence and capacity to provide culturally safe and appropriate disability services and supports for First Peoples with disability and their families. This helps to ensure that First Peoples with disability have equitable access to the supports and services available under a human rights framework” - explained a First Peoples Disability Network Representative.
"FPDN offer a range of training packages, resources and tailored training solutions to fit your organisational needs and goals. We work with your organisation to create custom training packages from our range of training modules”
The aim is for the training to be available in both face-to-face and online formats. Preliminary conversations have been held for Registered Training Organisations in South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia to deliver the training.
Find out more about the First Peoples Disability Network.

Photo: Dr Scott Avery, UTS (deaf | Worimi) and FPDN members; Mr Damian Griffis (Psychosocial/ Worimi), Aunty Kay Sadler (Biripai/Worimi) and Ms Tahlia-Rose Vanissum (Woppaburra)