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Thursday, 17 Oct 2024

What we heard from communities about the design of the new remote jobs program

Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program

Between April and July 2024, we heard from more than 3,100 people across nearly 200 remote communities to test the design of the Remote Jobs and Economic Development program. 

This second phase of consultations was an opportunity for communities and stakeholders to speak to the NIAA directly about how the program could be developed and delivered as part of the Australian Government’s commitment to replace the Community Development Program (CDP), which is happening over two stages. 

We heard that both employers and employees want a new jobs program that includes: 

* Skills and support to complete paperwork for employment * Continuous on-the job training * Ongoing tailored mentoring and coaching * Employment that supports local cultural needs * Long-term sustainability of jobs 

You can watch a short video outlining feedback from the consultations below.

Read the full consultation report and consultation summary.

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