Grants open for remote jobs program

From now to 3 February 2025, eligible employers can apply for a grant to create jobs under the Remote Jobs and Economic Development (RJED) program.
Grants can pay for:
- an employee’s wages with fair conditions (like superannuation and leave) and,
- equipment, infrastructure, capacity building, on-costs and overheads (like uniforms, sheds, on-the-job training, insurance or operating expenses)
Employers who are considering applying for a grant are encouraged to speak with community members about the jobs and projects they want.
Jobs can be part-time, full-time or casual and be flexible around personal, family and community obligations – depending on individual community needs.
The RJED program has been designed in partnership with remote communities through consultations, lessons learnt from job trials and testing new ways to create jobs in specific remote communities. The program will create 3,000 jobs gradually over three years.
A second grant round will open from 4 February 2025.
Update on the new remote employment service
The RJED program is the first stage in the replacement of the Community Development Program (CDP).
Design and delivery of the remote employment service is the second stage of replacing CDP. This will give job seekers the skills and resources they need to take up job opportunities, including those created through the RJED program.
For those job seekers who are currently looking for work or may need help to get job-ready, remote employment services will be available. Current CDP services will continue to support remote job seekers and we will work to ensure a smooth transition between programs.
Find out more
Find out more about the RJED program and how to apply for a grant at
Employers can also access a dedicated RJED Grant Opportunity Helpdesk on 1800 939 500 or