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2023 Commitments in the National Agreement

This Implementation Plan meets all the requirements set out in the National Agreement. See checklist below.

As per the National Agreement, jurisdictional Implementation Plans will: Check
Be fully aligned with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap and state that their purpose is to implement the National Agreement (Clause 96) Yes
Respond to the differing needs, priorities and circumstances of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across Australia (Clause 96) Yes
Demonstrate a commitment to undertake all actions in a way that takes full account of, promotes, and does not diminish in any way, the cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (Clauses 21 and 107) Yes
Be whole-of-government plans, covering government agencies and statutory bodies (Clause 108) Yes
Be developed and delivered in partnership between governments, the Coalition of Peaks, and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners (Clause 108) Yes
Set out how existing policies and programs will be aligned to the National Agreement (Clauses 104 and 108) Yes
Set out actions to achieve the Priority Reforms and partnership actions (Clause 108) Yes
Set out actions to achieve the agreed outcomes and targets (Clause 108) Yes
For transparency, include information on funding and timeframes for actions (Clause 108) Yes
Include the approach to annual reporting, including when they will release their public report (Clause 108) Yes

This Implementation Plan identifies commitments due in 2023 under the National Agreement, as listed below.

Commitments in the National Agreement due December 2023: Priority Reform
Review and strengthen existing partnerships (Clause 36b) 1
Report on review of partnerships to Joint Council (Clause 36c) 1
Identify sectors for joint national strengthening effort every three years through Sector Strengthening Plans (Clause 49) 2
Agree additional sectors for Sector Strengthening Plans (Clause 53) 2
Identify, develop or strengthen independent mechanism(s) to support, monitor and report on transformation of mainstream agencies and institutions (Clause 67) 3
Report publicly on transformation of mainstream agencies and institutions (Clause 67d) 3
Establish data projects in up to six locations across Australia (Clause 74) 4

Glossary of terms

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation (other than an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisation) – There is no one definition of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation in Australia. For the purposes of this plan, it can be a business, charity, not-for-profit organisation, incorporated under Commonwealth, state or territory legislation, that, as a minimum requirement, is at least 50 per cent owned, controlled and managed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led review – Independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led reviews will be carried out within 12 months of each three-yearly independent review by the Productivity Commission. They are an opportunity to capture Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities experience of Closing the Gap implementation.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – The Commonwealth acknowledges that there is no single Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture or group and that there are many diverse communities, language groups and kinships throughout Australia. For the purposes of this Implementation Plan, the terms Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, First Nations peoples and Indigenous Australians are interchangeably and respectfully used.

All governments – consisting of the Commonwealth Government and state and territory governments, and the Australian Local Government Association.

Coalition of Peaks – the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community-Controlled Peak Organisations. The Coalition of Peaks is a representative body consisting of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander national and state and territory community-controlled peak organisations that work to improve life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Commonwealth – The legal entity of the Commonwealth of Australia, created by the Australian Constitution. The term may also be used to differentiate the Australian Government from state and territory governments.

Cultural safety – Cultural safety refers to overcoming the power imbalances of places, people and policies that occur between the majority non-Indigenous position and the minority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person so that there is no assault, challenge or denial of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person’s identity, of who they are and what they need. Cultural safety is met through actions from the majority position that recognise, respect, and nurture the unique cultural identity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Only the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person who is a recipient of a service or interaction can determine whether it is culturally safe.

Joint Council – The Joint Council on Closing the Gap. This is the Ministerial Council on Closing the Gap, with representation from all levels of government and the Coalition of Peaks. Further details on the Joint Council can be found in the Partnership Agreement.

Mainstream organisations – These are government agencies, institutions, organisations and services that fund and develop policies or deliver services to all Australians, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

National Agreement – The National Agreement on Closing the Gap was signed by all Australian governments and the Coalition of Peaks in July 2020. It sets out commitments for all Australian governments to work together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to overcome the inequality experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and achieve life outcomes equal to all Australians.

NIAA – The National Indigenous Australians Agency responsible for leading and coordinating the development and implementation of Australia’s Closing the Gap targets in partnership with Indigenous Australians.

Partnership Agreement – The Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap 2019–2029, signed by COAG and the Coalition of Peaks, setting out shared decision-making arrangements on the next phase of Closing the Gap.

Productivity Commission – Commonwealth Government’s independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians. It will develop and maintain a publicly accessible dashboard comprising data and associated supporting materials to inform the reporting on progress of Closing the Gap. The dashboard will be updated on a regular basis (at a minimum, annually) and will be maintained for the full term of the National Agreement. It will also undertake a comprehensive review of progress every three years.

Significant and sustained – A year-on-year improvement relative to the baseline data that is equal to or greater than the historic rate of change.


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