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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.

Outcome Action Minister Responsible Delivery Timeframe
Priority Reform 1 Commonwealth Engagement and Partnership Framework Minister for Indigenous Australians 2023
Priority Reform 1 Partnership Stocktake – critical value assessment of Partnerships Minister for Indigenous Australians 2023
Priority Reform 1 Policy Partnership evaluation methodology Minister for Indigenous Australians 2023
Priority Reform 1 Gap Analysis to identify future Policy Partnerships Minister for Indigenous Australians Sectors to be decided over 2023 and 2024
Priority Reform 1 Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interests in the APS Reforms Charter of Partnerships and Engagement Partnership Priorities Committee TBC
Priority Reform 1 First Nations Foreign Policy Minister for Foreign Affairs Completed within 2022-23 Financial Year
Priority Reform 2 Agree additional sectors for Sector Strengthening Plans Minister for Indigenous Australians 2023
Priority Reform 2 Sector Strengthening Plan evaluation methodology Minister for Indigenous Australians 2023
Priority Reform 2 Clause 55(b) ‘meaningful proportion’ guidance for agencies Prime Minister with Minister for Finance 2023
Priority Reform 3 Legislative amendments to the Public Service Act Minister for Indigenous Australians with Minister for the Public Service 2023
Priority Reform 3 Monitoring and Accountability Framework The Prime Minister with the Minister for Indigenous Australians 2023
Priority Reform 3 Identify, develop or strengthen an independent mechanism(s) to support, monitor, and report on the transformation of mainstream agencies and institutions The Prime Minister with the Minister for Indigenous Australians 2023
Priority Reform 3 First Nations Impact Assessments Framework The Prime Minister and the Minister for Indigenous Australians 2023
Priority Reform 3 Additions to the Australian Public Service Survey of Trust Minister for the Public Service Expected in 2023
Priority Reform 3 Communication and learning strategy Minister for Indigenous Australians 2023
Priority Reform 3 Boosting First Nations Employment Minister for Indigenous Australians with Minister for the Public Service By 2030
Priority Reform 3 First Nations-led research into transformation elements Minister for Indigenous Australians 2023
Priority Reform 3 National Anti-Racism Strategy Attorney-General with Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Ongoing
Priority Reform 4 Six community data portal sites Minister for Indigenous Australians End 2023
Priority Reform 4 Fully established measurement frameworks and data development timeline for socio-economic outcomes Minister for Indigenous Australians End 2023
Priority Reform 4 Fully established measurement frameworks and data development timeline for Priority Reforms Minister for Indigenous Australians Completion by mid-2024
Priority Reform 4 APS-wide Framework for Indigenous Data and Governance (Deputy Secretaries Sub-Committee and Working Group) Minister for Finance Minister for Indigenous Australians End 2023
Priority Reform 4 Connected Beginnings development of approach to data sharing in communities with overlap of programs Minister for Early Childhood Education Minister for Indigenous Australians Minister for Health and Ageing Commence early 2023
Priority Reform 4 First Nations Disability Data Scoping Study Treasurer Minister for Social Services Minister for Indigenous Australians 2022 to 2024
Outcome 1 Additional Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Service sector funding for improved infrastructure Minister for Health and Aged Care with Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health Funding expended by June 2026
Outcome 1 Implementation of the Department of Health and Aged Care’s Closing the Gap Action Plan to lead structural change required under Priority Reforms Minister for Health and Aged Care Ongoing
Outcome 1 Funding 500 First Nations health workers Minister for Health and Aged Care Anticipated start date for traineeships is 1 July 2023 and completion due by 30 June 2027
Outcome 1 Dialysis Treatment Buses in Far West NSW Minister for Health and Aged Care This one-off funding is scheduled for the 2nd half of 2022-23
Outcome 1 Better Renal Services for First Nations peoples (Dialysis Units) Minister for Health and Aged Care Delivered over 2022-23 to 2025-26. Funding for the first 6 sites anticipated for early 2023.
Outcome 1 Improving Renal and Cardiac care for First Nations peoples (Upgrades and purchase of medical equipment) Minister for Health and Aged Care Funding to be provided within the 2022-23 financial year
Outcome 1 Provision of rapid point-of-care (POC) cervical screening tests and follow up in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities Minister for Health Completion due by June 2025
Outcome 1 Indigenous media strategy and outreach program to increase uptake of digital health technologies N/A Audit and Strategy to be delivered by June 2023 Delivery to commence July 2023
Outcome 1 AFL boosting physical activity in First Nations communities in Northern Territory Minister for Aged Care and Sport 31 December 2024
Outcome 2 Birthing on Country Centre of Excellence Minister for Health and Aged Care Construction will commence in 2022-23 and the Birth Centre will be operational in 2025-26. A workforce transition plan will commence to ensure a ready maternal workforce when the Birth Centre opens (see below).
Outcome 2 Closing the Gap Healthy Mums, Healthy Bubs measure Minister for Health and Aged Care 2021-22 to 2024-25
Outcome 3 Preschool Reform Agreement funding Minister for Education with Minister for Early Childhood Education 2022 to 2025
Outcome 3 Plan for Cheaper Childcare Minister for Education Commencing July 2023
Outcome 3 Early Childhood Care and Development Policy Partnership Minister for Early Childhood Education with Minister for Indigenous Australians 2022 to 2025
Outcome 3 National Children's Education and Care Workforce Strategy ‘Shaping Our Future’ Minister for Education with Minister for Early Childhood Education 2022 to 2031
Outcome 3 ACCC childcare inquiry Treasurer Completion by 31 December 2023
Outcome 4 Connected Beginnings Minister for Education with Minister for Early Childhood Education Ongoing
Outcome 4 Providing child care in remote communities through the Community Child Care Fund Restricted Minister for Education with Minister for Early Childhood Education Ongoing
Outcome 4 Early Years Strategy Minister for Social Services with Minister for Early Childhood Education Over 18 months until 2024
Outcome 4 Intensive early childhood education and care model trial Minister for Education with Minister for Early Childhood Education 2025-26
Outcome 4 New early learning teaching model Minister for Education with Minister for Early Childhood Education 2024-25
Outcome 4 First Nations Playgroups Minister for Social Services 2022-23 to 2025-26
Outcome 5 Up to 5,000 bursaries under National Teacher Workforce Action Plan (First Nations teachers are one of the eligible cohorts) Minister for Education Ongoing
Outcome 5 Indigenous Boarding Providers grants program Minister for Indigenous Australians with Minister for Education 2023 to 2026
Outcome 5 Expansion of junior ranger activities to 25 additional sites Minister for Indigenous Australians with Minister for Education Ongoing
Outcome 6 12-month Skills Agreement with states and territories Minister for Skills and Training 2023
Outcome 6 Jobs and Skills Councils Minister for Skills and Training with Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations Ongoing
Outcome 6 Jobs and Skills Australia Advice Minister for Skills and Training with Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations TBC
Outcome 7 Employment White Paper Aligns with Outcome 8 Treasurer Due for completion by September 2023
Outcome 7 Youth Engagement Model Minister for Youth 2023
Outcome 8 Examine opportunities for a Closing the Gap Policy Partnership on economic participation Aligns with Outcome 7 To be confirmed TBC
Outcome 8 New jobs program trial (to replace CDP) Minister for Indigenous Australians Opening early 2023
Outcome 8 Protecting First Nations Intellectual Property Treasurer 2022
Outcome 9 (Target 9a) Establish Housing Policy Partnership Minister for Housing Minister for Indigenous Australians 2022-23 to 2024-25
Outcome 9 (Target 9a) National Housing and Homelessness Plan Minister for Housing with Minister for Homelessness This is a Government election commitment
Outcome 9 (Target 9a) Housing Supply and Affordability Council Minister for Housing with Minister for Homelessness An interim Council was established on 1 January 2023, The Government is introducing legislation to make the Council a statutory body in the next sitting of Parliament with the intention for it to commence 1 July 2023
Outcome 9 (Target 9a) Housing Australia Future Fund Minister for Housing with Minister for Homelessness Expected to be legislated in the next 12 months.
Outcome 9 (Target 9a) Housing Accord Minister for Housing with Minister for Homelessness Housing Accord delivery will be from 2024 to 2029 of the initial agreement, with work commencing immediately to ensure delivery of new housing supply.
Outcome 9 (Target 9a) Northern Territory Housing and Essential Infrastructure Minister for Indigenous Australians 2022 to 2024
Outcome 9 (Target 9b) Target 9b Implementation Plan Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government with Assistant Minister for Regional Development 2023
Outcome 9 (Target 9b) National Water Grid Fund – safe and reliable water for remote and regional First Nations communities Minister for the Environment and Water 2023 to 2026
Outcome 10 Establish justice reinvestment initiatives across the country with a focus on turning the tide on incarceration and deaths in custody  Aligns with Outcome 11 Attorney-General with Minister for Indigenous Australians Ongoing measure with the first phase of delivery completed by June 2027
Outcome 10 Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS) capacity to ensure First Nations families access to legal assistance around coronial processes Aligns with Outcome 11 Attorney-General Completion due by June 2025
Outcome 10 Build National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Legal Services (NATSILS) capacity Aligns with Outcome 11 Attorney-General Completion due by June 2025
Outcome 10 Explore options for consolidated national real-time reporting of deaths in custody Establish a qualitative research program incorporating voices of First Nations peoples Aligns with Outcome 11 Attorney-General with Minister for Indigenous Australians Completion due by June 2025
Outcome 10 Nationally coordinated approach to education and training for family, domestic and sexual violence frontline workers, family law practitioners, the judiciary and the justice sector more broadly Aligns with Outcome 11 Attorney-General Current funding for coercive control training ceases 30 June 2025
Outcome 11 Standing Council of Attorneys-General consideration of the minimum age of criminal responsibility Aligns with Outcome 10 Attorney-General Ongoing
Outcome 12 Formal partnership agreement Aligns with Priority Reform 1 Minister for Social Services with state and territory Community Services Ministers The Partnership Agreement will be for the length of the first Action Plans (2023 to 2026) then reviewed prior to the next set of Action Plans (2027 to 2031) - expected to be launched in February 2023.
Outcome 12 Safe and Supported Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander First Action Plan Minister for Social Services with state and territory Community Services Ministers The first Action Plans will be implemented from 2023 to 2026.
Outcome 13 Building the evidence base Minister for Social Services Up to 2027-28
Outcome 13 Specialised Family Violence Services - Aboriginal Community Controlled Family Violence Prevention Legal Service (FVPLS) providers Minister for Indigenous Australians 2023-24 to 2024-25
Outcome 14 Targeted Regional Initiatives for Suicide Prevention Minister for Health and Aged Care with Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Completion by 30 June 2024
Outcome 14 Social and Emotional Wellbeing Policy Partnership *This aligns with Priority Reform 1 Minister for Health and Aged Care 2021 to 2024
Outcome 15 Double the number of Indigenous Rangers Minister for Indigenous Australians Delivery by 2030
Outcome 15 10 new Indigenous Protected Areas Minister for Indigenous Australians with Minister for Environment June 2028
Outcome 16 The National Indigenous Languages Survey Minister for the Arts Completed in June 2024
Outcome 16 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages Policy Partnership Aligns with Priority Reform 1 Minister for the Arts Endorsed by Joint Council in December 2022. First meeting to be held in March 2023
Outcome 17 Better Connectivity Plan for Regional and Rural Australia Minister for Communications 2022 to 2025
Outcome 17 First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group Minister for Communications Funding provided up until 2026-27.
Cross-cutting area: Disability Develop and implement a national First Nations - Disability Data Strategy  (National Disability Footprint)  Minister for Indigenous Australians 2022 to 2025
Cross-cutting area: Disability The Sport4All pilot project Minister for Aged Care and Sport 30 June 2026
Cross-cutting area: Ageing Populations The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing and Aged Care Council Limited (NATSIAACC) Aligns with Priority Reform One Minister for Health and Aged Care 2022-23 to 2024-25
Cross-cutting area: Remote Australia National Strategy for Food Security in Remote First Nations Communities Minister for Indigenous Australians 2023-2025


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