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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.

Aboriginals Benefit Account (ABA) Grant Funding

The Aboriginal Benefit Account (ABA) is a Commonwealth Special Account set up under the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 to receive royalties from mines located on Aboriginal owned and controlled land in the Northern Territory (NT) for use to benefit Aboriginal people living in the NT. ABA grants are now managed by Aboriginal Investment NT.

For further information on the Aboriginal Investment NT and the ABA grant process, please visit Aboriginal Investment NT.

ABA Homelands Project

The ABA Homelands Project invested more than $50 million to improve living conditions in homelands (or outstations) across the Northern Territory. It grew out of the ABA Advisory Committee’s Investing in Country and Culture proposal.

Final applications under this project were due 31 December 2024 and the project is considered closed.

Outcomes of previous ABA rounds 

Organisations recommended for funding before 2023 are listed in the following documents. 


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