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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.

1. Establish and maintain an effective RAPWG to drive Governance of the RAP.

Deliverable Timeline Responsibility
Apply a Terms of Reference for the RAPWG. March, 2022 RAPWG Co-Chairs
Maintain a balance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous representation on the RAPWG to promote reconciliation. Ongoing – reported February, 2023, 2024 RAPWG Co-Chairs
The RAPWG comprises members from all Groups. Ongoing – reported February, 2022, 2023, 2024 RAPWG Co-Chairs
The RAPWG oversees the development, endorsement and launch of the RAP, and supports its implementation across the NIAA. Ongoing – reported April 2022, 2023, 2024 RAPWG Co-Chairs
The RAPWG meets a minimum of 4 times per year to monitor and report on RAP implementation. Ongoing – reported February, 2023, 2024 RAPWG Co-Chairs

2. Continue our reconciliation journey by developing our next RAP.

Deliverable Timeline Responsibility
Register via Reconciliation Australia’s website to begin developing our next RAP. June 2024 RAPWG Co-Chairs
Commission a new artwork from an Indigenous Australian artist for the NIAA’s next Reconciliation Action Plan. June 2024 RAPWG Co-Chairs

3. Provide appropriate support for effective implementation of RAP commitments.

Deliverable Timeline Responsibility
All staff are required to demonstrate their own actions against the RAP and reconciliation as part of the Values and Behaviours, through the NIAA’s performance management framework (Engage on a Page). Ongoing – reported July, annually Chief Operating Officer
Embed resource needs for RAP implementation. Ongoing – reported February, August, annually Chief Operating Officer
Embed key RAP actions in performance expectations of senior management and all staff through the Engage on a Page framework. Ongoing, reported August, annually Chief People Officer
Embed appropriate systems and capability to track, measure and report on RAP commitments. Ongoing – reported February, May, August, November, annually RAPWG Co-Chairs
Chief Operating Officer
Establish and maintain a NIAA RAP Champion from senior management to drive reconciliation internally and externally. For example, through the promotion of reconciliation events, through celebrating key achievements of the Agency that contribute to reconciliation, and through promoting reconciliation across the APS. Ongoing – reported October, annually CEO

4. Build accountability and transparency through reporting RAP achievements, challenges and learnings.

Deliverable Timeline Responsibility
Complete and submit the annual RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire to Reconciliation Australia. September, annually RAPWG Co-Chairs
Publicly report against our RAP commitments annually, outlining achievements, challenges and learnings via our website and Annual Report. November, annually Executive Board, RAPWG Co-Chairs
Report RAP progress to all staff and senior leaders quarterly. October, annually Executive Board, RAPWG Co-Chairs
Investigate participating in Reconciliation Australia’s biennial Workplace RAP Barometer. May 2022, 2024 RAPWG Co-Chairs
Ensure progress of the NIAA RAP is reported to the People and Culture Committee (PCC) within the NIAA’s Governance framework. Ongoing – reported February, May, August, November, annually RAPWG Co-Chairs, Chief Operating Officer
Report the implementation and progress of the RAP deliverables to the People and Culture Committee (PCC) quarterly with oversight by the Executive Board. Ongoing – reported February, May, August, November, annually Chief Operating Officer

Aunty Mary Doctor delivers a presentation to NIAA staff


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