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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are heard, recognised and empowered.

Our Purpose

The NIAA works in genuine partnership to enable the self-determination and aspirations of First Nations communities. We lead and influence change across government to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a say in the decisions that affect them.

Our Values

In addition to the Australian Public Service (APS) values2 which set the standard for ethical behaviour across the public service, how we work at the NIAA is underpinned by our shared values:

  • We respect multiple perspectives.
  • We are authentic.
  • We are professional and act with integrity.
  • We invest in each other’s success.
  • We deliver with purpose.

We continue to embed our values through our behaviour and actions, at all levels. The NIAA has a unique Employee Value Proposition that generates passion and drive; we value our people – they’re at the heart of everything we do.

The following actions support our organisational culture:

  • We role model inclusive leadership at all levels within the Agency, creating a safe workplace for everyone.
  • Communication from our leaders outlines behaviours that align to the Values, ensuring influence change across government to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a say in the decisions that affect them.
  • We invest in success through transformation initiatives, such as the Galambany Program of work, transforming how we work to be more effective in achieving goals.
  • Our Engage process throughout the year ensures that we are authentic in our actions by being honest, sharing information and giving feedback.
  • We build upon our knowledge and cultural capability through the award winning Footprints program.
  • The behaviours we exhibit will be further embedded through the introduction of the Diversity and Inclusion Framework and the NIAA People Strategy.

The following actions support our that all staff are aware of what this looks like in action.

  • We invest in success through transformation initiatives, such as the Galambany Program of work, transforming how we work to be more effective in achieving goals.
  • Our Engage process throughout the year ensures that we are authentic in our actions by being honest, sharing information and giving feedback.
  • We build upon our knowledge and cultural capability through the award winning Footprints program.
  • The behaviours we exhibit will be further embedded through the introduction of the Diversity and Inclusion Framework and the NIAA People Strategy.

Our Strategic Themes

Building our influence; Investing to deliver the greatest benefit; Identifying economic and human capital opportunities; Being a capable, engaged and unified workforce; Using data and evidence to inform our approach; Building genuine partnerships.

Genuine Partnerships

The National Agreement on Closing the Gap Priority Reform 1 – Formal Partnership and Shared Decision-making - is a priority for us.

We work with around 1,800 organisations to deliver more than 2,200 activities across Australia under the Indigenous Advancement Strategy. Each community is unique, and our staff work closely in place with First Nations leaders, communities, organisations and other partners.

We continue to play a central role in leading and coordinating Australian Government policy. We are building on the strong relationships we already have with First Nations communities, through the Coalition of Peaks, Empowered Communities and the Central Australia Aboriginal Leadership Group.

We hold an inherent and underlying commitment to reconciliation in everything we do.

Our stakeholders and partners: Non-Government Organisations - Service providers, Indigenous organisations, other organisations; Communities - Indigenous and remote communities, Australian public; First Nations Peoples - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples, Indigenous organisations, and Indigenous Elders; State, territory and local governments - State and territory ministers, senior officials, local government associations; Industry peak bodies; Australian Government agencies - Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of Finance, Portfolio Bodies, Attorney-General’s Department, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Department of Health and Aged Care, Department of Social Services, Services Australia.

2 The Public Service Act 1999 (PS Act) requires APS employees and agency heads at all times to behave in a way that upholds the APS Values.


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