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Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024
Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program Discussion Paper

Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program Discussion Paper

Publication author(s):

National Indigenous Australians Agency

Publication abstract:

The purpose of this discussion paper is to seek views from interested stakeholders on the design and implementation of the RJED program. To ensure the new program meets community needs it must be developed in partnership with remote communities. 

This is phase two of the consultation process and will help finalise recommendations to Government on program design prior to the launch of the program in the second half of 2024.  The thirds stage of consultations will be to design a new employment service program to support the RJED program. 

Phase one consultations were held between February to June 2023. The-NIAA consulted with over 100 CDP communities and heard from over 2,250 people about what should be included in a new jobs program in CDP communities. We also received more than 210 anonymous survey responses and 50 ‘Have Your Say’ web-forms. We heard from stakeholders that a new program should:

  • Be planned and led by community.
  • Support more local jobs for local people.
  • Include something fair and meaningful for the community or for your job prospects in return for income support.
  • Recognise the roles done in community including a new approach for youth.
  • Have support for people who cannot work right now.
  • Be flexible to invest in local priorities.

You can read the consultation report by visiting

The NIAA are also testing new approaches to remote employment to inform the design of the new program.
This discussion paper is about designing the RJED program. Consultation on the new employment services program will be later in the year.
Submissions are open until 30 June 2024. 

Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program Discussion Paper DOCX 3.26 MB
Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program Discussion Paper PDF 2.28 MB


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