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Wednesday, 02 Nov 2016
PBC Support Strategy - Consultation Paper

PBC Support Strategy - Consultation Paper

Publication author(s):

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Publication abstract:

The Department is developing a Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBC) Support Strategy to ensure that native title corporations are supported in an effective way.  The Department has prepared a consultation paper and is seeking feedback by email or mail by 2 December 2016.

PBCs, governments, NTRBs-SPs and a range of stakeholders need to work together to build a strong and effective PBC sector.  The Government is asking PBCs and all stakeholders for their views on how government can better support this. The purpose of the consultation paper is to generate ideas, stimulate discussion and seek input on the way forward. This includes consideration of options to change the way PBC funding is delivered in the future. The paper asks for your views about:

  1. better engagement between PBCs and governments
  2. more effective, transparent and coordinated funding for PBCs
  3. additional support for PBCs (other than providing direct funding)
  4. options for legislative and institutional role reform to support the an effective and accountable native title system.


Departmental representatives will be meeting with a number of PBCs around Australia in November 2016.


Please provide your submission by 2 December 2016. You may wish to consider the questions raised in the consultation paper when providing your comments. Submissions can be provided by email or mail. 


Assistant Secretary, Land Branch
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
PO Box 6500
Canberra  ACT  2600       

The Government will not be responding to individual submissions. However, the Government will acknowledge receipt of your submission and will refer to the submissions received to inform its PBC Support Strategy. Please ensure your submission is marked ‘confidential if you do not wish it to be made publicly available on this site.

PBC Support Strategy Consultation Paper - October 2016 DOCX 60.19 KB
PBC Support Strategy Consultation Paper - October 2016 PDF 202.3 KB


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