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Wednesday, 01 May 2013
Monitoring trends in prevalence of petrol sniffing in selected Aboriginal communities: an interim report

Monitoring trends in prevalence of petrol sniffing in selected Aboriginal communities: an interim report

Publication author(s):

Peter d’Abbs, Gillian Shaw, Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin

Publication abstract:

This report presents interim findings from a study of petrol sniffing prevalence in a sample of 41 Australian Aboriginal communities. The study was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) in order to contribute to monitoring the impact of an ongoing rollout of low aromatic fuel (LAF) in communities beset by petrol sniffing, and is being conducted by Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, in partnership with Bowchung Pty Ltd, Canberra. The study commenced in 2011 and is scheduled for completion in 2014.

Monitoring trends in prevalence of petrol sniffing in selected Aboriginal communities: an interim report -RTF RTF 1.04 MB
Monitoring trends in prevalence of petrol sniffing in selected Aboriginal communities: an interim report - PDF PDF 354.3 KB


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