IPA Programme Logic guidelines - Fact sheet
Program Logic is a planning tool that simply ‘maps’ the thinking or rationale behind your project as a one page diagram.
Developing an Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) Program Logic is important because it aims to give your Traditional Owners/ Community clear picture of what the vision is for the future of your land and sea, and how the community will benefit. It should also assist you to reach an agreement of what outcomes or steps will be required to achieve this vision. A Program Logic can be the basis for developing a Management Plan and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Framework. Guidelines for developing a Management Plan and M&E Framework are included as part of the IPA Managers Toolkit.
An IPA Program Logic has five levels and there is movement between all levels. These are the vision; grassroots activities; immediate outcomes; intermediate outcomes and long term outcomes. The Program Logic links the outcomes to the vision of your Traditional Land and Sea Managers/Community. The Community and other important partners can then see how you intend to manage your IPA.
Developing an IPA Program Logic is straightforward when you:
Start by clarifying the vision you want to achieve for your IPA; it is important that all Traditional Owners/Community members participate, agree and understand this vision. The vision for your IPA should aim to extend 20 years and beyond.
Formulate a number of long term outcomes that will achieve your IPAs vision. Long term outcomes should include conservation as well as community, cultural and sustainable economic elements that together achieve your IPAs vision and are achievable in 10–20 years.
Establish a set of intermediate outcomes that will provide an important step towards achieving your vision for your IPA. Intermediate outcomes should be a mix of practical (on ground) and capacity building elements that are achievable in 3-5 years.
Identify a group of immediate activities or outcomes that your IPA can work on that will build on your grassroots activities and assist you to achieve your vision. Immediate outcomes should be practical and achievable in 1-3 years. Projects will often be doing these activities as part of their normal land & sea management programs.
Identifying grassroots assets and activities will provide a foundation to support the planning and management of your IPA. Assets include the important things that support the IPA such as cultural strengths, governance and other plans.