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Tuesday, 13 Jul 2021
Indigenous skills, engagement and employment Program (ISEP) Discussion Paper

Indigenous skills, engagement and employment Program (ISEP) Discussion Paper

Publication author(s):

National Indigenous Australians Agency

Publication abstract:

The Australian Government announced in the 2021-22 Budget a commitment to develop a new Indigenous Skills and Employment Program (ISEP) to replace the Vocational Training and Employment Centres (VTEC), Tailored Assistance Employment Grants (TAEG) and Employment Parity Initiative (EPI) from 1 July 2022.

As part of the announcement, the Government has committed to co-designing ISEP with Indigenous Australians through extensive consultation to ensure ISEP increases economic opportunities for Indigenous Australians and drives actions that connect Indigenous Australians to jobs, targeted skills acquisition and career advancement opportunities.

This discussion paper is a central element of the consultation process and designing the ISEP. It outlines the considerations in designing the ISEP and invites views on how to best achieve the desired outcomes of the new Program.

Indigenous skills, engagement and employment Program (ISEP) Discussion Paper - PDF PDF 273.88 KB
Indigenous skills, engagement and employment Program (ISEP) Discussion Paper - DOCX DOCX 243.13 KB


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