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Thursday, 10 Dec 2020
Indigenous Cadetship Support and Tailored Assistance Employment Grants Cadets Programs Evaluation

Indigenous Cadetship Support and Tailored Assistance Employment Grants Cadets Programs Evaluation

Publication author(s):

National Indigenous Australians Agency

Publication abstract:

The Australian Government has supported Indigenous Cadetships since 1999. The Indigenous Cadetship Support (ICS) program was designed to support Indigenous tertiary students to complete their undergraduate degrees and progress onto ongoing employment. The progression of Indigenous undergraduates to professional employment aims to both ‘close the gap’ between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and contribute to Australia’s national wellbeing and economic prosperity more broadly.

NIAA engaged Inside Policy to conduct an evaluation of the former ICS and current TAEG Cadetships programs in November 2019. The purpose of the evaluation is to provide evidence-based advice on the effectiveness of the program in meeting its objectives and to highlight possible future program improvements.

This report details the findings of the evaluation, including:

  • the experience of cadets, providers, universities and employers; and
  • implications for future program design and implementation.
Final Report: Indigenous Cadetship Support and Tailored Assistance Employment Grants Cadets Programs Evaluation PDF 1.06 MB
Final Report: Indigenous Cadetship Support and Tailored Assistance Employment Grants Cadets Programs Evaluation DOCX 2.8 MB
Annex A: Final Indigenous Cadetship Support Evaluation Strategy PDF 276.47 KB
Annex A: Final Indigenous Cadetship Support Evaluation Strategy DOCX 54.99 KB
Annex B: AIATSIS Ethics Approval PDF 252.01 KB
Annex B: AIATSIS Ethics Approval DOCX 246 KB
Annex C: Final Literature Review PDF 554.47 KB
Annex C: Final Literature Review DOCX 526.67 KB
Annex D: Stakeholder List PDF 104.19 KB
Annex D: Stakeholder List DOCX 23.37 KB
Annex E: Tailored Assistance Employment Grants Program Logic PDF 285.8 KB
Annex E: Tailored Assistance Employment Grants Program Logic DOCX 155.66 KB
Annex F: Cadet Locations PDF 271.72 KB
Annex F: Cadet Locations DOCX 644.13 KB
Annex G: Recommended Minimum Dataset PDF 96.22 KB
Annex G: Recommended Minimum Dataset DOCX 24.59 KB
Annex H: Administrative Data Fields PDF 215.68 KB
Annex H: Administrative Data Fields DOCX 37.15 KB
Annex I: Semi Structured Interview Guides PDF 228.72 KB
Annex I: Semi Structured Interview Guides DOCX 43.04 KB
Annex J: Evaluation Data Matrix PDF 199.93 KB
Annex J: Evaluation Data Matrix DOCX 46.25 KB
Annex K: Operating Models of Third-Party Providers PDF 105.05 KB
Annex K: Operating Models of Third-Party Providers DOCX 24.2 KB


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