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Wednesday, 26 Feb 2020
Communique - First Meeting of the National Co-Design Group

Communique - First Meeting of the National Co-Design Group

Publication author(s):

National Co-Design Group
25 - 26 February 2020

Publication abstract:

The National Voice Co–Design Group met for the first time in Canberra this week to begin work on developing models to ensure Indigenous people are heard at a national level on decisions that affect their lives. It was a very positive and productive meeting that focussed on the establishment of guiding principles for a National Indigenous Voice.

The Group comprises 16 members drawn from a broad cross section of the Australian community. Members have a range of backgrounds and bring different experiences and expertise to the table.

The Minister for Indigenous Australians provided an opening statement to the Group, noting the significance of the task ahead and the importance of the national element of an Indigenous voice in the larger co-design process.

The meeting was co-chaired by Dr Donna Odegaard AM and Mr Ray Griggs AO CSC, Chief Executive Officer of the National Indigenous Australians Agency.

The first meeting focussed on developing guiding principles in order to develop models for a national voice. As part of stage one of the national co-design process, the Group is assessing and developing models for Government’s consideration ahead of broader consultation across Australia in stage two.

The Group agreed a forward work agenda, with working groups formed to focus on key elements of a national voice.

The Group committed to ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians from across the nation would have direct input to Government about their experiences, ideas and aspirations.

The Group also committed to looking at current structures across Australia, to identify best practice and ensure that any national Indigenous voice works with systems already in place.

The list of members and further information about the co-design process can be found at


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