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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.

National Strategy for Food Security in Remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

The National Strategy for Food Security in Remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (the Strategy) was developed in partnership with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled sector and relevant state and territory governments.

The Strategy aims to improve coordination and collaboration across levels of government and with remote communities. The vision is that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living on Country and in remote communities are healthy and food secure.

The Government is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to oversee the implementation of this Strategy. A governance mechanism will be established to oversee Strategy implementation. It will include the views of those communities most impacted by issues of food security.

Strategy Implementation

The Strategy commits all parties to the implementation of actions to achieve the Strategy’s intended outcomes under the 7 Strategy pillars.

The strategy governance group once established will oversee the Strategy implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

View the Strategy

Implementation will be achieved through a number of actions plans over the life of the Strategy.


The Strategy has been informed by a series of consultation. Consultations opened 31 May 2024 and remained open for ten weeks to give stakeholders time to provide considered feedback. Face-to-face consultation sessions were held in July and August 2024.

Strategy development partners developed a discussion paper drafted around eight focus areas impacting the remote food system – Country; Health; Housing; Families and Community Infrastructure; Stores; Supply Chains; Healthy Economies; and Policies, Practice and Governance. The purpose of the discussion paper was to support interested stakeholders in providing their views on the design of the Strategy.

View the discussion paper

Over 500 people participated in forums and discussions across 31 locations; and over 25 written submissions have been received. 

Thank you to everyone who contributed. Strategy Partners appreciate your time and the valuable feedback provided to shape the Strategy.

A consultation report will be shared with participants once finalised. 

If you have any questions please contact the Strategy Secretariat:


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