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Northern Territory Remote Aboriginal Investment

The Australian Government delivers support for critical services in remote First Nations communities in the Northern Territory (NT) through the Northern Territory Remote Aboriginal Investment (NTRAI).

The Australian Government will provide up to $114.7 million through the NTRAI in 2024-25 to support delivery of services including, remote policing; child and family services; Aboriginal interpreter services; alcohol harm reduction services; education programs; and hearing and oral health services.

On 7 February 2025, the Australian Government signed a new Partnership Agreement with the NT Government and Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory (APO NT) to strengthen remote services. The Australian Government will commit $842.6 million over 6 years in support of the Partnership Agreement, commencing 1 July 2025.

This funding will continue delivery of essential remote services, expand supports for Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, enable communities to design and deliver services, and support communities to access economic development and employment opportunities.

The NTRAI Joint Steering Committee (JSC) oversees delivery of the NTRAI and includes representatives from the Australian Government, the NT Government and APO NT.

View the new 6-year Partnership Agreement.


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