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Community Initiated Proposals

Under the IAS, the NIAA considers grant proposals that address a need for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Proposals must be developed with the community or group who will be impacted by the activity.

Communities, organisations, businesses and individuals will still be able to approach the Agency with funding proposals. This will take place under the Agency Collaborates (Non-Competitive) Grant Opportunity Guidelines (GOGs).

We recognise that preparing a grant application is a significant commitment of time for any organisation. The Agency will therefore review your funding proposal, before you are asked to prepare a full application.

This review will be in the context of whether you meet the criteria in the Agency Collaborates GOGs and whether the proposal aligns with regional strategies and program priorities. By doing this, we can make sure that you don’t invest time and effort into preparing applications for proposals that are unlikely to succeed.

Before doing this, you should check GrantConnect ( for other funding opportunities that may align with your idea. IAS funding must be invested strategically to achieve best outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, and so the Agency would not generally fund a proposal that could be funded through another pathway.

You can discuss an initial proposal with the NIAA at any time by contacting your local NIAA Regional Office, or by calling 1800 079 098.

Initial proposals

The first step for potential applicants is to contact the local NIAA Regional Office, or by calling 1800 079 098 to organise a time to discuss your proposal. You will also need to submit an initial proposal form that outlines the proposed activity. Your local office will provide you with a Community Initiated – Initial Proposal Form and can assist you with completing the form.

Applications for grant funding

NIAA will review your proposal in the context of whether you meet the criteria in the Agency Collaborates GOGs and whether the proposal aligns with regional strategies and program priorities. After this review, if the NIAA considers your idea is within scope, we may invite you to apply and give you access to an application form and a unique code. The unique code links your proposal to the application form and is required to submit an application.


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