The Nyul Nyul Rangers are located about 120 kilometres north of Broome on the Middle Dampier Peninsula at Beagle Bay. They look after approximately 350,000 hectares of land and sea country. This country includes delicate coastal habitats, monsoon vine thickets, and inland wetlands and springs. It also contains profound cultural and environmental values. Many significant species call this area home, such as the bilby, northern quoll, Gouldian finch and the world’s smallest goanna, Varanus sparnus.
The Nyul Nyul Rangers play a central role in implementing traditional owner, state and national management priorities. The rangers conserve and protect these lands from threats such as fire, feral animals and weeds. Tourism is also an increasing focus. Visitor management strategies are being implemented to reduce impacts, including the introduction of a permit system.
The rangers are guided by traditional owners to promote cultural knowledge transfer. They are often called upon to support community activities associated with land and sea management. Rangers interact with visitors to the region to increase public awareness of natural resource management priorities on their country. Provision of emergency services support, firefighting and search and rescue activities are community expectations in remote areas.
State: WA - Kimberley region
Administration Organisation
Kimberley Land Council