The Nyikina Mangala Rangers are based at the community of Jarlmadangah. Their work is focused around the Fitzroy River, which is central to the cultural heritage of the Nyikina Mangala people. From the tidal waters of King Sound to the northern reaches of the Great Sandy Desert, the Fitzroy River is the lifeline that connects Nyikina and Mangala country.
The Nyikina Mangala Rangers are charged with the responsibility to manage this significant water source through:
- conducting water health research
- biodiversity surveys
- marine and freshwater fish tagging
- weed management
- feral animal and saltwater crocodile management.
The rangers have worked with universities and resource management agencies to document fish species in the Fitzroy. The involvement of the rangers has facilitated valuable research on the threatened freshwater sawfish, Pristis microdon through satellite tagging work.
Cultural advisers and elders work with the Nyikina Mangala Rangers to teach them about traditional knowledge, stories, language, culture and heritage. The rangers combine traditional knowledge and contemporary science in carrying out their land management activities.
State: WA - Kimberley region
Administration Organisation
Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC