Dedicated in 2010, the Jamba Dhandan Duringala Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) comprises approximately 37,957 hectares of land in the Queensland outback. The IPA comprises two adjoining pastoral properties, Murra Murra and Bendee Downs. It is situated 100 kilometres east of Cunnamulla in south-west Queensland.
On the traditional lands of the Kooma people, Jamba Dhandan Duringala means the place of happy frogs. The IPA includes claypan lakes within a nationally listed wetland. There are over 100 individual lakes, swamps and gilgais, as well as the only permanent waterhole along Nebine Creek. The IPA also contains a large area of spinifex-dominated country suitable for reintroducing small mammals like the endangered bilby – an important species to the Kooma people.
Priority management issues for the Jamba Dhandan Duringala IPA include:
- cultural heritage protection
- Indigenous employment
- caring for waterways
- reducing the impact of livestock
- weed, pest and fire management.
The IPA is managed under the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Category VI, as a protected area with sustainable use of natural resources.
State: Qld - Mainland southern region
Administration Organisation
Kooma Traditional Owners Association Incorporated