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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.

The Goldfields Land Management Rangers are based at Kalgoorlie,  approximately 550 kilometres east of Perth. In accordance with their own aspirations, this ranger program enables the Aboriginal people of the Goldfields/Esperance regions to:  

  • offer practical, responsive and efficient environmental services to industry and government 
  • provide opportunities for employment  
  • facilitate their ongoing and deep connection with country. 

The ranger program utilises local Aboriginal people with connection to Country.  There are growing pressures on the ecosystems and cultural values within it. However, the rangers take great pride in their work, their country and their responsibilities in regards to its sustainable management.  

The rangers’ services include, but are not limited to:  

  • biodiversity monitoring and research  
  • environmental surveys and clearances  
  • feral animal control and weed management  
  • site remediation and rehabilitation  
  • fire and tourism management  
  • traditional knowledge transfer  
  • school and educational programs. 

The ranger program has successfully delivered projects in collaboration with all tiers of Government, the mining sector, the pastoral and agricultural sectors, and the CSIRO. The program is always looking to establish new partnerships and expand its capabilities. Where gaps exist in technical areas, the program will build partnerships with industry leaders. 

State: WA - Central and Southern region

Administration Organisation

Goldfields Land and Sea Council


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