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Application for Removal of Caveats from Indigenous Grant-funded Property

This form applies to properties funded by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) and its predecessor organisations

Part A
Does your organisation own all of the properties you are interested in removing caveats from?
Has there been a Board resolution within your organisation authorising an application for caveat removal from these properties?

Important Notes: All organisations must provide a signed copy of their Board resolution, in line with their Constitution, to apply for caveat removal for all properties listed in the application. The Commonwealth cannot lift caveats when there is another interest in the property, for example where a liquidator has taken control of the organisation.

One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx.
Is your organisation a State / Territory housing provider or registered under State / Territory housing legislation?
Please list each property on a separate line

Once you have filled in the above, please read the privacy statement below and complete the authorisation before submitting your application.

Alternatively, you can email a completed hard copy of the Application Form DOCX 158KB with an attached list of properties and addresses, a signed copy of the Board resolution and any other relevant documents to

Privacy Statement

The National Indigenous Australians Agency is bound by the standards, rights and obligations for handling personal information in the Privacy Act 1988. The information you provide is solely for the purpose of the caveat removal process. The The National Indigenous Australians Agency’s Privacy Policy contains information about how you can access your personal information, seek correction or make a complaint about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles. If you have questions about the Privacy Policy you can contact the Department’s Privacy Officer at



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