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The Government has considered the CATSI Act Review Final Report and is seeking to give effect to most of the recommendations through a bill to amend the CATSI Act. The NIAA is seeking feedback on the draft legislation. Specifically, the NIAA would like to hear from stakeholders about those parts of the legislation that they support as well as those parts where there are concerns in relation to the practical barriers to implementation. The NIAA is also interested in feedback on the clarity, readability and complexity of the draft legislation.

You can provide feedback via virtual consultation sessions or via email to the mailbox. If these options are not accessible, stakeholders can contact the NIAA to arrange an alternative method to provide feedback. To do this, please either email the or call the NIAA on (02) 6271 5111.

Feedback can be provided until 9am Monday 9 August 2021. Stakeholders must provide feedback by this time for it to be considered.

The NIAA will draft a consultation summary report after the consultation period has closed that provides a summary of the feedback received on the draft legislation with the identity of any person providing feedback to be disclosed only where consent has been provided.

1. Virtual consultation sessions

You can provide feedback through a virtual consultation session. These sessions are held online and you need to register for these sessions so that we can send you information on how to participate.

These sessions provide the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. They are participant-led sessions.

A maximum number of 15 participants will be registered for each session. Feedback you provide through these sessions may be summarised and included in the consultation summary report to be drafted by the NIAA at the conclusion of consultation. Participants in the virtual consultation sessions will not be identified in the summary report and comments will not be attributed to them unless consent is given.

2. Written Submission

You can make a submission in writing electronically via the mailbox.

When doing so, please indicate in writing whether you consent to your submission being published on the NIAA’s website, as well as whether you consent to:

  1. the consultation report identifying you (as well as your organisation) as the author, with comments attributed to the submission; or
  2. the consultation report only including comments from the submission anonymously (i.e. without identifying you or your organisation).

3. Another feedback channel

If you would prefer to provide feedback through another channel, please contact the NIAA. To do this, please either email the or call the NIAA on (02) 6271 5111.

Please note that you can provide feedback via more than one channel.

All personal information will only be collected, held, used or disclosed in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 as set out in the Privacy Collection Notice and in the NIAA’s Privacy Policy.

Please note that the NIAA has legal obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 that may require us to provide information about the CATSI Act Review. If a request concerns any personal information you have provided, we will consult with you before releasing the information.


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