Outcome:Outcome 05Outcome 16
Action Status:New
Indicators:School attendance, School retention rates, Number and age profile of the speakers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, including children
Responsible Ministers:Minister for Education
Delivery end date:December 2026
Is this Indigenous specific?:Yes
Resourcing:$14.1 million
Agency:Department of EducationDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the ArtsNational Indigenous Australians Agency
Action description
The Government is supporting local First Nations community and school partnerships for teaching First Nations languages through the First Nations Languages Education Program. The program is being co-designed and delivered in partnership with First Languages Australia, the national peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language centres and programs. The program will help lift the uptake of First Nations language learning by young Australians and increase the number and strength of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages being spoken.