Priority reform:Priority Reform Two
Outcome:Outcome 12Outcome 13
Action Status:Underway
Indicators:Number of Aboriginal Community Controlled organisations (ACCOs) contracted by governments across the Closing the Gap socio-economic outcome areas of the Agreement (PR2), Number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care (Outcome12)
Responsible Ministers:Minister for Social Services
Delivery end date:June 2024
Is this Indigenous specific?:Yes
Resourcing:$3.2 million
Agency:Department of EducationDepartment of Social ServicesNational Indigenous Australians Agency
Stronger ACCOs, Stronger Families Part 1 - authored by SNAICC - National Voice for our Children - Identifies the strengths, opportunities, needs and barriers of Aboriginal community-controlled organisations (ACCOs) in delivering Commonwealth-funded child and family services.
Findings from the report are now being analysed through the Early Childhood Care and Development Policy Partnership to develop a set of common principles to assist Commonwealth departments and agencies that undertake similar activities to consider areas of relevance.
Stronger ACCOs, Stronger Families Part 2 - aims to strengthen genuine partnerships between ACCOs and organisations delivering Commonwealth-funded child and family services, and increase the number of ACCOs delivering services funded under the Families and Children (FaC) Activity, as well as increase the number of genuine partnerships between ACCOs and non-Indigenous funded organisations. Part 2 specifically targets Communities for Children Facilitating Partners and the Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters program. Wunan Foundation, in partnership with SNAICC and Impact Partners and Social Ventures Australia, is delivering Part 2 with the trial running over two years to 30 June 2024.