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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.

To consider all Indigenous-specific aged care reforms and mainstream reforms that will impact on Indigenous peoples. The Governance Group will provide policy direction for aged care reform affecting Indigenous people with a focus on cross-system issues and will advise on formal ways of engaging with policy partners in the development of the integrated care model.



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partner/s: 

Organisations including, but not limited to, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing and Aged Care Council, NACCHO,  the Healing Foundation, and Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA).

Government agency partner: 

Department of Health and Aged Care

Priority reform: 

Priority Reform One
Priority Reform Two
Priority Reform Three


Outcome 01
Outcome 09
Outcome 13
Outcome 14
Outcome 15
Outcome 16
Outcome 17

Partnership timeframes: 

2022 – present

Response agreed by both parties: 

Did not seek agreement. The First Nations Aged Care Governance Group is proposed to meet in October 2023, this meeting may provide an opportunity to discuss the partnership, including opportunities to review and strengthen it against the strong partnership elements.

Strong partnership elements - Clause 32





MetMetMetMetNot applicableMetMetMetMetMet


Achievements over the last 12 months: 

The FNACGG has a working group comprised of members who volunteered to work on the First Nations Aged Care Framework. The working group and the Department of Health undertake a co-design process and engage with the Framework’s content and goals. The Working Group meets around every 6 to 8 weeks and provides direct commentary and inputs into the framework at any point in time through access to a shared database. The framework is jointly owned by the parties who are co-designing it and will ultimately be put to the Minister for consideration. The working group reports back on its progress to the FNACGG.


Partnership elements strengthened: 

The Strong partnership elements have not being further strengthened this year to date.


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