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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.

Exercise Kummundoo is primarily about community engagement. It creates opportunities for Air Force people to deploy into unique environments to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities on mutually agreed projects.



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partner/s: 

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)

Government agency partner: 

Royal Australian Air Force

Priority reform: 

Priority Reform One


Outcome 01

Partnership timeframes: 

2020 - 2025. Future arrangements are expected to continue.

Response agreed by both parties: 

Agreement not yet received from partner

Strong partnership elements - Clause 32

A(i): A(ii): B(i): B(ii): B(iv): C(i): C(ii): C(iii): C(iv): C(v): C(vi): C(vii): 
MetMetMetMetNot applicableMetMetMetMetMetMetMet


Achievements over the last 12 months: 

Limited achievement has been realised for this partnership over the last 12 months in 2022, a location identified by NACCO was assessed for suitability however the facilities and local resources were not adequate for dentistry to occur in that community. In Feb 23, NACCHO agreed that the program would be relocated to another location. Another location suitability assessment will be conducted to run the dentistry program later in 2023.

Partnership elements strengthened: 

New in 2023.


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