Accommodate groups of ‘at-risk’ youths, aged between 12 and 17 to participate in military style activities that promote physical, mental, spiritual health and wellbeing through a structured program using the values of the Australian Defence Force as a guide to develop the youth to become a "Proud Warrior" in his or her community.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partner/s
Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Service (TAIHS) Youth support Service, Uncle Russell Bulter Cultural elder consultancy, and Elders for Change group (Townsville Red Cross)
Government agency partner
Dept of Defence (Australian Army Cadets Indigenous Liaison), Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnership, communities and the Arts, Edmund Rice Education Australia Flexible Learning School Townsville, QLD Police Co-responder teams Townsville (NGO Qld Youth Services)
Priority reform
Priority Reform One
Outcome 07
Outcome 10
Outcome 11
Partnership timeframes
The Proud Warrior partnership is intended to be enduring in an Army based approach. The trial commenced 22 Oct 2020, stopped in 2021 due to COVID and recommenced in March 2022 and is still ongoing and breaks in Nov 2023, to recommence in March 2024.
Response agreed by both parties
Achievements over the last 12 months
The Proud Warrior program has achieved notable outcomes in improving confidence, health and wellbeing for at risk youth. For the past two years, the program has achieved a 70% attendance rate from participants following their first session. Furthermore, the youths are learning skills from the Army to use daily at school, at their work and in the home.
Partnership elements strengthened
New in 2023.