The Connected Beginnings Advisory Group (CBAG) brings together leaders from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak bodies, philanthropy, research, Connected Beginnings sites and Aboriginal community-controlled early years services, who have the expertise in supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to achieve their aspirations
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partner/s
NACCHO, First Peoples Disability Network, Coolabaroo, Nikinpa Aboriginal Children's Service, Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre and Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
Government agency partner
Dept of Education and Dept of Health and Aged Care
Priority reform
Priority Reform One
Priority Reform Three
Outcome 02
Outcome 03
Outcome 04
Outcome 05
Outcome 06
Partnership timeframes
Response agreed by both parties
Achievements over the last 12 months
Four meetings held over past 12 months providing ongoing advice on program implementation.
Partnership elements strengthened
New in 2023.