To develop a National Strategy for Food Security in Remote First Nations Communities. The partnership’s objective is to develop a Strategy targeted to address the unique and specific barriers to food security experienced in geographically isolated communities.
Strategy development
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partner/s
The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO), and affiliates the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT); Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC); Aboriginal Health Council South Australia (AHCSA); Aboriginal Health Council Western Australia (AHCWA); Aboriginal Health and Medical research Council New South Wales (AH&MRC); and NACCHO member Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service (PAMS).
Government agency partner
National Indigenous Australians Agency (with NT, WA, SA, NSW and QLD state governments)
Priority reform
Priority Reform One
Priority Reform Two
Outcome 01
Outcome 02
Outcome 04
Outcome 05
Partnership timeframes
8 August 2022 - mid 2024
Response agreed by both parties
Yes from PAMS, WA and QLD government. Nil response from other partners.
Achievements over the last 12 months
Developed a Terms of Reference; Theory of Change; and Strategy Framework to agree the Strategy scope and underpin strategydev.
Partnership elements strengthened
New in 2023