National Voice for Our Children (SNAICC), 5 CoP members, 5 independent First Nations members.
Since its establishment in August 2022, the ECPP has endorsed its Partnership Agreement to Implement and agreed six policy priorities to take forward in its Year One workplan. These documents have been published on the Department of Education’s website, alongside summary outcomes from each meeting.
The agreed policy priorities contribute to significant policy matters, namely through a focus on strengthening the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Organisations (ACCO) sector and greater coordination of government policy, programs and service delivery to support community-led models of care for children.
In 2023, the ECPP engaged in shared decision-making to commission two ECEC projects to build its research and evidence base for informing future work:
- The first is a research project to develop options of funding model arrangements for ACCOs delivering ECEC, including integrated early years services; and
- The second is a systematic evidence review into the optimal hours of ECEC for First Nations children.
New in 2023.