(Previously referred to as Integrated Approach to Suicide Prevention Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Group)
The Culture Care Connect program seeks to integrate suicide prevention planning and response activity, whilst building a sustainable and supported First Nations workforce. A community-led regional suicide prevention and aftercare service networks and Indigenous mental health first aid training.
The Culture Care Connect program seeks to integrate suicide prevention planning and response activity, whilst building a sustainable and supported First Nations workforce. A community-led regional suicide prevention and aftercare service networks and Indigenous mental health first aid training.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partner/s
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)
Government agency partner
Dept. of Health and Aged care
Priority reform
Priority Reform One
Priority Reform Two
Priority Reform Three
Priority Reform Four
Outcome 14
Partnership timeframes
2021-22 to 2024-25
Response agreed by both parties
Achievements over the last 12 months
- Over the past 12 months NACCHO, in partnership with the Department of Health and Aged Care, commenced roll out of the first three tranches of the Culture Care Connect Suicide Prevention Networks and onboarding sessions for the network sites. NACCHO and the Department of Health and Aged Care are jointly agreeing sites in the fourth tranche and are in the process of finalising.
- The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Group was established and have met numerous times, with each meeting producing outcomes to guide the Culture Care Connect program design and implementation. The Advisory Group was established to advise on the development of a model of care for suicide prevention and aftercare services, the networks and the programs they deliver; identify any required system changes; and support the monitoring and evaluation of the program. Members were appointed based on their expertise across the mental health system, including social and emotional wellbeing, suicide prevention, clinical and training expertise. NACCHO may invite any other individual or a representative of an incorporated or unincorporated body or company to become part of the Advisory Group, as required. A mechanism to bring together government and sector representatives is also being explored.
- An evaluation of the program will commence in 2023 to help inform future funding and policy considerations for the program and will be undertaken in consultation with NACCHO and with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Group.
Partnership elements strengthened
- 32C(ii) meets in 2023. The Department of Health and Aged Care engages regularly with NACCHO to ensure clear, timely information sharing. When briefing for shared decision making, the partners have commenced combined briefing to strengthen the partnerships and ensure transparency.
- 32C(iii) meets in 2023. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Group Terms of Reference outlines where members are to share relevant information and advice freely and without prejudice, respect diversity in the membership, and respect and value the differences between individual members.
- 32(iv) meets in 2023. Representatives on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Group of age, gender, work and life experience. Each member is also representative of a greater diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices.
- Note - 32B(iii) The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Group Terms of Reference may be made public if jointly agreed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members and the Department.