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Empowered Communities

The Empowered Communities (EC) model is an Indigenous designed and led shared decision making initiative that places Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in true partnership with the Australian Government. Under EC, government works with Indigenous communities to put in place processes, reforms and support so that communities are empowered to partner as equals with government. Indigenous people also empower themselves to take responsibility for their lives and futures, with governments supporting them to do so.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partner/s

Empowered Communities is a regional opt-in placebased approach covering the following ten regions: Cape York, Queensland Central Coast, New South Wales East Kimberley, Western Australia Goulburn-Murray, Victoria Inner Sydney, New South Wales Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Lands, Central Australia North East Arnhem Land (NEAL), Northern Territory West Kimberley, Western Australia Ngarrindjeri Ruwe, SA Far West Coast, SA

Government agency partner
National Indigenous Australians Agency is the lead Commonwealth agency.
Priority reform
Priority Reform One
Priority Reform Two
Priority Reform Three
Priority Reform Four
Outcome 01
Outcome 02
Outcome 03
Outcome 04
Outcome 05
Outcome 06
Outcome 07
Outcome 08
Outcome 09
Outcome 10
Outcome 11
Outcome 12
Outcome 13
Outcome 14
Outcome 15
Outcome 16
Outcome 17
Partnership timeframes
NIAA has provided funding to support EC backbone organisation operations from 2015 through to 30 June 2024.
Response agreed by both parties
Strong partnership elements - Clause 32
32 A(i)
32 A(ii)
32 A(iii)
32 B(i)
32 B(ii)
32 B(iii)
32 B(iv)
Not applicable
32 C(i)
32 C(ii)
32 C(iii)
32 C(iv)
32 C(v)
32 C(vi)
32 C(vii)
Strong partnership elements - Clause 33
Achievements over the last 12 months

The partnership between Empowered Communities and the NIAA is having a tangible impact on government decision making. Joint decision- making processes, between EC regions and NIAA, relating to funding and service delivery demonstrate the empowering partnership that can be achieved to increase the productivity of government resources on-the-ground. Underpinning these processes and decisions is the recognition of the importance and value of community knowledge and input.

NIAA continues to work closely with the ECs to support regional priorities, and look for additional opportunities for shared decision- making and collaboration within the NIAA and across the Commonwealth. Some examples of the ways in which the Government is furthering this partnership include:

  • For the Indigenous Skills and Employment program (ISEP) grant round, NIAA worked closely with the ECs to ensure the program aligned with local regional priorities and that ECs were involved in the community-design of any proposed projects delivered in their regions. Eight EC regions participated in Joint Decision Making arrangements with NIAA to review and provide recommendations regarding proposed ISEP activities in their regions.
  • The Empowered Communities actively engaged with the NIAA National Consultation process for Alcohol and Other Drug treatments and services in their regions – bringing local perspectives to service gaps and ways to address substance misuse in their communities.
  • The Empowered Communities actively engaged with the NIAA consultation process for the future of the Community Development program in their regions – bringing local perspectives to employment needs, and service gaps.
  • Cashless Debit Card (CDC) – Empowered Communities in Cape York, the East Kimberley and Ceduna actively engaged with and advised the Department of Social Services and NIAA on supporting transitions from the CDC to Enhanced Income Management in their regions.
  • Partner with NIAA on the supports for educational attainment and attendance in their regions, including for the future of the Remote School Attendance Strategy and the Early Years and Education Innovation Fund.
  • Partner with NIAA on the Indigenous Rangers program Expansion in their regions.

Nine EC regions participated in Joint Decision Making on biannual IAS grant assessment processes  – reviewing  activities and jointly agreeing future investment in their region.

Partnership elements strengthened

32B(iii) meets in 2023 - Agreements are publically available

The strong partnership elements continue to be further embedded in Empowered Communities  where:

  • The Empowered Communities partnership takes a learning by doing approach. Both partners seek out new opportunities to collaborate in the support of EC regional priorities, both within the NIAA and across the Commonwealth and other tiers of government (clause 32C)
  • The NIAA had Local Partnership Agreements in place with the EC regions and has supported two EC regions to participate in Joint Decision Making Arrangement on biannual grant assessment processes for the first time in 2023 (clause 32C). The NIAA has continued to work with the Empowered Communities on opportunities for further collaboration and partnership including for the Indigenous Skills and Employment program (ISEP), national consultations for Alcohol and Other Drug funding, the future of the Community Development program among other NIAA policies and programs in the regions. In addition, NIAA has supported EC in furthering partnership opportunities with the Department of Social Services, the Department of Health (clause 32C)