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Laynhapuy IPA and Yirralka Rangers

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Monitoring fishing activity. Photo © Yirralka Rangers

Located in north-east Arnhem Land, the Laynhapuy area is home to Yolngu people. The Yolngu people continue to live on their lands, maintain their culture and use traditional knowledge to manage their country. Oral histories and art tell of contact with Macassan traders from Indonesia long before Europeans set foot on the continent. 

The 690,000-hectare Laynhapuy Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) was dedicated in 2006. It protects threatened species, internationally significant wetlands and coastal landforms. The Yirralka Rangers undertake natural and cultural resource management within the Laynhapuy IPA. The rangers work under the guidance of traditional owners. 

The Yirralka Rangers' work includes:  

  • managing access to culturally significant sites  
  • removing marine debris  
  • surveying and controlling feral buffalo and pigs  
  • surveying and controlling weed infestations  
  • monitoring endangered marine turtles and dugongs  
  • protecting turtle nesting areas  
  • implementing a fire management program.  

State: NT - Arnhem Land region

Administration Organisation

Laynhapuy Homelands Aboriginal Corporation


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