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Kaanju Ngaachi Wenlock and Pascoe Rivers IPA

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Kaanju Ngaachi Wenlock and Pascoe Rivers IPA dedication. Photo: © Chuulangun Aboriginal Corporation

The Kaanju Ngaachi Wenlock and Pascoe Rivers Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) was dedicated in 2008. It stretches across nearly 200,000 hectares of wet tropical forest and sand ridge country between Lockhart River, Coen and Weipa on Cape York. 

The region features a diverse range of landscapes including: 

  • open savanna  
  • upland tropical and sub-tropical rainforests  
  • open bushland  
  • sand ridge country  
  • vast wetland areas  
  • riparian forests. 

Like all IPAs, it protects some of the nation's rare and fragile environments for the benefit of all Australians.  

The IPA is a place of significant social, cultural, spiritual, historical and economic value for its Traditional Owners. Kaanju refers to 'upland' and Ngaachi to 'homelands' or traditional country. The Wenlock and Pascoe Rivers on Cape York Peninsula are home or Ngaachi to the Kaanju people. 

State: Qld - Mainland northern region

Administration Organisation

Chuulangun Aboriginal Corporation


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