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Anangu Luritjiku Rangers

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Anangu Luritjiku Ranger Terrence Abbot at the Central Land Council central rock rat survey. Photo: © Richie Brittingham

The Anangu Luritjiku Rangers work on Haasts Bluff Aboriginal Land Trust (ALT). This Trust comprises around 4 million hectares located in the West MacDonnell Ranges. It links into a north-south corridor of Indigenous Protected Areas in the Northern Territory. The Trust spans from the southern border through to Lajamanu in the Northern Tanami Desert. 

This area contains threatened species such as the:  

  • mulgara (a small marsupial carnivore)  
  • great desert skink  
  • slater’s skink  
  • princess parrot  
  • black-footed rock wallaby.  

The Haasts Bluff ALT also includes important wetlands such as the internationally significant Talipata Spring. 

The rangers are based at Papunya and their work focuses on:  

  • cultural heritage projects  
  • camel management around waterholes  
  • weed control  
  • general biodiversity survey and monitoring. 

State: NT - Central Australian region

Administration Organisation

Central Land Council


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