Native Title services in the Goldfields region
The process to select a new provider for provision of native title services in the Goldfields region is complete.
Ten applications were received and the application submitted by Central Desert Native Title Services (CDNTS) application was successful.
CDNTS’ application proposed the establishment of a new organisation specifically for the Goldfields region. CDNTS will continue to deliver services in the Central Desert region.
The new organisation will have its own CEO, staff and board. The Board will include Aboriginal directors selected for their expertise and experience. This organisation will draw on CDNTS expertise and record of achievement as a native title service provider.
Further details about the new organisation will be provided shortly and public information meetings will be held in the Goldfields region about the new arrangements. These will be advertised over the coming weeks.
In the interim, Grant Thornton Australia will continue their temporary responsibility for native title services in the region. Grant Thornton will work with the new provider and the National Indigenous Australians Agency to ensure a methodical transition with minimal disruption to services on the ground.
Grant Thornton can be contacted at:
Telephone: (08) 9480 2000
Address: Central Park, Level 43 152 -158 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000